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enigmatic adj. 朦胧的;谜一样的 obscure; puzzling. dogmatic adj. 独断的,教条的,固执的 opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal. aromatic adj. 芬芳的 fragrant.
monochromatic adj. 单色的 having only one color. traumatic adj. 外伤的 pertaining to an injury caused by violence. autocratic adj. 独裁 having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial. erratic adj. 奇怪的;不可预测的 odd; unpredictable. static adj. 静态的 unchanging; lacking development. aquatic adj. 与水有关系的 pertaining to water. climactic adj. 顶点的,高潮的 relating to the highest point. eclectic adj. 折衷的 composed of elements drawn from disparate sources. acetic adj. 酸的 vinegary.
ascetic adj. 苦行;禁欲 practicing self-denial; austere. prophetic adj. 预言的 foretelling the future. pathetic adj. 可怜的,触动人心的 causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching. aesthetic adj. 审美的 artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. anesthetic n. 麻醉药 substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness. hermetic adj. 密封的,气密的 sealed by fusion so as to be airtight. frenetic adj. 发狂的 frenzied; frantic. kinetic adj. 运动的;运动学的 producing motion. politic adj. 精明的;明智的;诡计多端的;谨慎的 expedient; prudent; well advised. pedantic adj. 书生气的 showing off learning; bookish. frantic adj. 狂乱 wild.
chaotic adj. 混乱 in utter disorder.
erotic adj. 激情的 pertaining to passionate love. exotic adj. 陌生的,外来的,奇异的,异国情调 not native; strange. quixotic adj. 空想的;狂想的 idealistic but impractical. skeptic n. 怀疑论者 doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a point of view has been examined.
aseptic adj. 抗菌的 preventing infection; having a cleansing effect. antiseptic n. 抗菌物 substance that prevents infection. synoptic adj. 概要的 providing a general overview; summary. apocalyptic adj. 启示的,启示录的 prophetic; pertaining to revelations. bombastic adj. 夸张的 pompous; using inflated language. ecclesiastic adj. 神职的 pertaining to the church. iconoclastic adj. 打破旧习 attacking cherished traditions. monastic adj. 僧侣的;遁入空门的,不问世事 related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns.
sadistic adj. 虐待狂的;残忍成性的 inclined to cruelty. atheistic adj. 无神论 denying the existence of God. simplistic adj. 过分单纯化的 oversimplified. anachronistic adj. 时代错误 having an error involving time in a story. linguistic adj. 语言的 pertaining to language. altruistic adj. 无私的,关心他人的 unselfishly generous; concerned for others. agnostic n. 无神论者one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate