4) 正如人们的预料,这个政策产生了几个临时定居点。
As might be expected (As people expected),this policy produced few settlements.
5) 正如其名字所暗示的,高原主要是指一个国家的丘陵及多山的区域。
The High Lands are, as the name implies, hilly or mountainous religion of the country.
Section 4:
1) 乔很擅长运动,但就算术而言,他是他们班上最好的。
Joe is good at sports, but when it comes to arithmetic, he is the best in the class.
2) 谈到出国留学,她表示了极大的兴趣。
When it comes to studying abroad, she showed great interest.
3) 考虑到你的兴趣,你最好还是学习英语专业吧。
Given your interest, you’d better major in English.
4) 考虑到你的身体状况,你已经尽力了。
Given your health situation, you’ve done your best.
5) 考虑到她喜欢孩子,我觉得做老师是很适合她的职业。
Given her interest in children / Given that she is interested in children, I’m sure teaching is
the right career for her.
Section 5:
1. 尽管她反复暗示想单独呆一会,他仍执意要陪她。
He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.
2. 他的朋友从来拿不准他什么时候会怎么做,因为他总是做些出人意料的事情。
His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is
always full of surprises.
3. 别为这点小事大惊小怪,这可是我最不希望看到的事。
Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.
4. 巴罗达太太不仅是位正派体面的女子,也是位非常明智的女子。
Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.
5. 她的思想从未这么乱过,丝毫理不出头绪。
She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.
6. 从古韦内尔的谈话中,巴罗达太太了解到他有时候的沉默并非天性,而是情绪使然。 From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his
basic nature, but the result of moods.
7. 令加斯顿高兴的是,他妻子终于不讨厌古韦内尔了,主动提出邀请他再来。
To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited
Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.
8. 巴罗达太太对古韦内尔令人迷惑的性格颇为不解,并觉得很难打破这种并非有意的沉
Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate
the silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.
Section 6:
1. 或许别的作家也可以写出关于伦敦的故事,可是只有他才能创造出大卫这样一个使其创