getting to know Ramón. 正在认识拉蒙。
By the way, I hope you save a dance for me. 顺便说一声,我希望你留一个舞给我。
I have to warn you, I don't dance very well. 我得警告你,我跳得不很好。 Don't worry, I only do the slow ones. But I can teach you some Latin dances. 别担心,我只跳那种慢舞。但是我能教你一些拉丁舞。
I'd like that. 好啊。
All of it was overwhelming. Did she neglect her family in Boston? Did she miss signs that something was wrong? 所有这一切都很成功。她是不是忽略了在波士顿的家了?她是否错过了不对头的迹象?
All of it was overwhelming. Did she neglect her family in Boston? Did she miss signs that something was wrong? 所有这一切都很成功。她是不是忽略了在波士顿的家了?她是否错过了不对头的迹象?