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一、 摘要
本次模型是通过计算双层玻璃窗和单层玻璃窗单位时间单位面积的热量传导(即热量流失),通过对两者的比较,从而分析出双层玻璃窗比单层玻璃窗减少多少的热量损失。根据物理相关规律,再加上一些合理的条件假设。建立相应的数学模型。根据数学模型,画出对应的图像。由图像趋势变化,进行定性分析,给出合理结果。 关键词:玻璃 双层 单层 热量流失 热传导率。
Efficacy of double glazing is analysed
This model is double glass and glass by calculation unit time per unit area of heat conduction (heat loss), by comparing the two, so as to analyze the double glazing than single-layer glass Windows to reduce how much heat loss. According to the laws of the physics related to, plus assumes that some reasonable conditions. Set up a corresponding mathematical model. According to the mathematical model, draw the corresponding images. By image trends change, qualitative analysis, give reasonable results.
Key words: double layer glass heat loss thermal conductivity.
目录 (一)、中文题目……………………………………………………………………………1
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