reader, see what the settings are, send the write output to a flat file for less contention - Check the "ThrottleReader" setting (which is not configured by default), increase the Default Buffer Size by a factor of 64k each shot - ignore the warning above 128k. If the Reader still appears to increase during the session, then stabilize (after a few thousand rows), then try increasing the Shared Session Memory from 12MB to 24MB. If the reader still stabilizes, then you have a slow source, slow lookups, or your CACHE directory is not on internal disk. If the reader's throughput continues to climb above where it stabilized, make note of the session settings. Check the Performance Statistics to make sure the writer throughput is NOT the bottleneck - you are attempting to tune the reader here, and don't want the writer threads to slow you down. Change the map target back to the database targets - run the session again. This time, make note of how much the reader slows down, it's optimal performance was reached with a flat file(s). This time - slow targets are the cause. NOTE: if your reader session to flat file just doesn't ever "get fast", then you've got some basic map tuning to do. Try to merge expression objects, set your lookups to unconnected (for re-use if possible), check your Index and Data cache settings if you have aggregation, or lookups being performed. Etc... If you have a slow writer, change the map to a single target table at a time - see which target is causing the "slowness" and tune it. Make copies of the original map, and break down the copies. Once the "slower" of the N targets is discovered, talk to your DBA about partitioning the table, updating statistics, removing indexes during load, etc... There are many database things you can do here.
17. Remove all other "applications" on the PMServer. Except for the database / staging database or Data Warehouse itself. PMServer plays well with RDBMS (relational database management system) - but doesn't play well with application servers, particularly JAVA Virtual Machines, Web Servers, Security Servers, application, and Report servers. All of these items should be broken out to other machines. This is critical to improving performance on the PMServer machine.