
赵丽 8000 词汇 笔记整理

发布时间:2024-11-10   来源:未知    

赵丽 8000 词汇 笔记整理



snake / sne k/ 蛇

sordid / 's :d d/ 猥琐 (蛇做的一件猥琐的事情)

sneak / sn k/ 鬼鬼祟祟的走 (蛇总是在草丛中鬼鬼祟祟的游走)

naked / 'ne k d/ 裸奔 ( 蛇不穿衣服,总是裸奔 naked eye 裸视)

nude / nu d /nju-/ 全裸 (在广州的大街上全裸着你很牛的)

denude / d 'nju d/ 脱离 (使你裸奔,使你的衣服脱离你)

peer / p r /p / 看东西有困难而努力地的看 (‘ee’眯着两个小眼睛)

ample / 'æmpl/ 丰富的 (example)(因为ample丰富才被拿来举例)

maple / 'me pl/ 枫树 (一个媒婆站在枫树下)

matchmaker / 'mæt 'me k (r)/ 媒婆,红娘 (罗马神话中媒人是Cupid,丘比特)

cupidity / cu·pid·i·ty / kju 'p d t / 贪婪,人对爱情是贪婪的



mode 模式——modify 修饰——modifier 修饰语——modification / mod·i·fi·ca·tion / 'mɑd f 'ke n /'m -/ 修饰.n


author ——authorize 授权

mini ——minimize / 'm n ma z/ .v


timid 胆小的 (胆大的喊TMD,胆小的喊timid)

intimidate / n't m de t/ 恐吓 (使你胆小)

vigor / `vig / 精力(一个人相当于六个人,精力充沛)

invigorate / n'v g re t/ 使……精力充沛

tonic / 'tɑn k /-'t n-/ 补药(汤沥水) tonic invigorate you.

toxic / 'tɑks k(l) /'t k-/ 毒药 ( X 美国毒药的标志)

brassy / 'brɑ s / 厚颜无耻(把胸罩戴在屁股上,真是厚颜无耻)

assassin / 'sæs n/ 刺客(俺要杀死你的心) assassinate v. / -ne t/

vibrate / va 'bre t/ 摆动 (六个胸罩在眼前晃来晃去)vibration / va 'bre n/

blush / bl / 脸红(早上起来去厕所不拉屎,感到脸红)

liberty / 'l b (r)t / 自由(流鼻涕,自由自在)

fury / 'fj r /'fj r-/ 愤怒的(心里发毛) infuriate / n'fj r e t /-'fj r-/ 使……愤怒


labor elaborate / 'læb r t/ 精心制作

elegant / 'el g nt/ 优雅的(一只露出大腿的蚂蚁)

long elongate 拉长,延长

vapor evaporate / 'væp re t/ 蒸发


-opt 选择的词根 option / 'ɑp n /' p-/ 选择

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adopt / 'd pt/ 采纳,收养(我要有选择性地采纳你的意见)

-lev 表示轻或高

elevate / 'el ve t/ 提高 elevator / 'el ve t (r)/

alleviate / 'li v e t/ 缓和,减轻

The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.

toilet 厕所(西方人便秘,上厕所是痛苦的让他出去)

toil 辛苦的工作

gravity / 'græv t / 重力aggravate / 'ægr ve t/ 恶化,变化

He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.

shanghai / ' æ 'ha / 伤害,欺骗,诱拐

pajamas / p 'd æm s /-'d ɑ -/ 睡衣(怕在妈妈的家里穿的)


s 弯弯曲曲的一条蛇

sway 摇摆(蛇走路的姿势)

oo 一对大眼睛

ee 小眼睛 preen / pr n/ 搔首弄姿 (芙蓉姐姐头戴花环,眯着眼睛)

b 表示“不”

blight 枯萎(没有光就枯萎)

blear 不清楚,模糊

bold 勇敢(不老的人大胆勇敢)

blast 爆炸(不能继续就爆炸)

trench / trent / 壕沟,战壕 wrench 扭伤 French 法国人



literate / 'l t r t/ 有文化的

iterate / ' t re t/ 重复说

adulterate / 'd lt re t/ 摻假

illiterate / ' 'l t r t /-tr t/ 文盲

preliterate / 'pr 'l t r t /-tr t/ 无文字记录的

obliterate / 'bl t re t/ 涂去, 删除, 擦去

The view was obliterated by the fog.


loom 若隐若现(100m外的mm看也看不清)

isolate / 'a s le t/ 使隔离(夜深了还有谁爱的如此晚)

Several villages have been isolated by heavy snowfalls.

pretext / 'pr tekst/ 借口(事先写好的就是借口)

He came to see me on/under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money.

obscene 猥琐(离开场景,不该看的东西很猥琐)

He shouted obscenities at the woman.

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abdomen / 'æbd men/ (人体的)腹部 (men——人 do——肚子,人的肚子)

The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.

torso / 't rs /'t -/ 躯干(昆虫的躯干)(头首)

vital / 'va tl/ 有生命力,有活力的(一个人有六个人的头)

digital 数字的(低着头数着数字)

bereave / b 'ri v/ 剥夺,使丧失;使痛苦 (同deprive)(把你P了,剥夺你) derive / d 'ra v/ 获得 consecrate / 'k ns kre t/ 奉为神圣的,尊崇The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.

sacred / 'se kr d/ 神圣的(红衣主教披着个麻袋)They've changed the time of the news is nothing sacred? vestment / 'vestm nt/ 袈裟,法衣(红衣主教身上披的)

evoke / 'v k/ 唤起,引起 (-vok/-voc 表声音的的词根)The music evoked memories of her youth. vocal card 声带

advocate / 'ædv k t/ v.支持,拥护;n.支持者,拥护者(我们一起给你的声音)

I advocate a policy of gradual reform.

illuminate / 'lu m ne t/ 照亮; 用灯装饰; 照射; 阐明; 照亮

invoke / n'v k/ 祈祷(在心里默默的喊) 祈求, 实行, 恳求; 向神乞求帮助或保护; 通过巫术召唤鬼灵; 要求, 上诉; 祷告; 使命令作用, 发起某种行动 (计算机用语) invocation;invocative

The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned.

provoke / pr 'v k/ 激怒 (在你耳边大喊会激怒你)provocation;provocative

He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended.

convoke / k n'v k/ 召集(把大家喊到一起来) convocation

attack 攻击 loom 织布机 univocal / ju n 'v kl/ 含义明确的(大家都一个声音) uni- 同一的

unity n. 个体, 结合, 一致

universe / 'ju n v rs /-v s/ n. 宇宙, 思想等范围, 星系

unique / ju 'n k/ 与众不同的

equivocal / 'kw v kl/ 模棱两可的The politician gave an equivocal answer. eq- 表示两个的 equal 两个平等的

vocation 职业(上帝呼唤你来做的事) avocation 副业

revoke 撤销(喊回来的声音)His driving licence was revoked after the crash.

groove 沟,槽, 凹线 (新郎有mm,凹槽有ve)

groom 新郎,马夫(在房间等待新娘的哥哥)

bride 新娘(不是骑马来的是坐轿来的)

vicar / 'v k (r)/ 牧师(拥有六辆车的人)

bishop 主教(主教更有钱拥有两个商店)

jolt / d lt/ 摇动,使颠簸 molt 脱毛 bolt 离开

dolt 傻瓜 (逗他小傻瓜,叫他是颠簸,有毛就脱毛,不行就离开)

obsolete / 'ɑbs l t / b-/ 作废的,过时的(离开,舍离他)

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The horse-drawn plough is now obsolete in most European countries.

Hit the dirts!

prowl / pra l/ 潜行,寻觅或偷窃(PLMM划船来偷窃)

I could hear him prowling around in his bedroom all night.

pledge / pled / 发誓(在PLMM边上发誓爱她到永远) pledge one s elernal love.

plunder / 'pl nd (r)/ 抢劫(阳光下的罪恶,漂亮下的掠夺)

The invaders plundered food and valuables from coastal towns and villages.

pluck 勇气;v.拔,采摘(找到PLMM一靠运气,二靠勇气)It takes a lot of pluck to do what she did.

plough 皱纹(再PL的MM笑多了也会起皱纹)v.耕地,犁地(把土地弄得一条条的皱纹样)

plague / ple g/ 折磨,n.瘟疫(一个天天跟你argue的PLMM也是一种折磨)What a plague that boy is! platitude / 'plæt tu d /-tju d/ 腐朽,陈词滥调(外表PL的观点)

We shall have to listen to more platitudes about the dangers of overspending.

plasma / 'plæzm / 血浆(漂亮如同妈妈,由血浆遗传决定) scoop / sku p/ v.掘挖She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story.

coop / ku p/ 鸡窝(鸡趴在鸡窝里下了两个蛋)v. 关进; 拘禁 I've been cooped up indoors all day.

raccoon / ræ'ku n /r 'ku n/ 浣熊(小浣熊像个球往前跑)

hippopotamus / h p 'pɑt m s /-'p t-/ 河马(屁股冒泡泡的是河马)

hippocampus / h p 'kæmp s/ 海马(校园里屁股冒泡泡是海马)

tycoon / ta 'ku n/ 大亨(太酷了)

swan / swɑn /sw n/ 天鹅

swank / swæ k/ 打扮 (天鹅靠打扮)n. 出风头, 虚张声势, 炫耀 v. 出风头, 炫耀Don't be such a swank! toady / 't d / 阿谀奉承I'm not prepared to toady to him just to save my job.

toad / t d/ 癞蛤蟆 (癞蛤蟆拍天鹅的马屁,把天鹅吃了)

status / 'stæt s /'ste t s/ 地位,状况(我们站地方)Women have very little status in many countries. stat-站着 static / 'stæt k/ (站着不动)静止

House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.

sue / su / 起诉

If you don't complete the work, I will sue you (for damages), ie for money to compensate for my loss.

bandit / 'bænd t/ 强盗,土匪(一班人去逮他)Buses driving through the mountains have been attacked by bandits.

gangster / 'gæ st (r)/ 强盗(干死他)

The gangster who had taken part in the robbery was arrested by the police.

commemorate / k 'mem re t/ v.纪念,庆祝This memorial commemorates those who died in the war.



delicate / 'del k t/ 光滑的,精致的,脆弱的,颜色或味道淡淡的,纤细的 n.delicacy / 'del k s / She has been in delicate health for some time. She spoke with delicacy of our recent loss.

dedicate / 'ded ke t/ 奉献,贡献 dedicative ,dedication She dedicated her life to helping the poor.

indicate / ' nd ke t/ 提示表明 indicative,indication With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should

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intricate / ' ntr k t/ 复杂的 intricacy


defile / 'di fa l/ 弄脏,弄污 (去掉这个文件因为脏了)The altar had been defiled by vandals.

deviation / di v 'e n/ 离题,偏差 via 路径(往不好的路径去了)

There was little deviation from his usual routine.

fortitude / 'f rt tu d /'f tju-/ n.坚忍,刚毅 She endured her illness with great fortitude.

fort / f rt /f t/ 堡垒,要塞

fortify / 'f rt fa /'f t-/ 巩固Fortified against the cold by a heavy coat, he went out into the snow. fortress / 'f rtr s /'f t-/ 城堡

inconsolable / nk n's l bl/ 伤心的The children were inconsolable when their father died.

solar / 's l (r)/ 太阳的 sol-太阳的词根

console / k n's l/ 安慰(共同给你一个太阳)Nothing could console him when his pet dog died.

consolable 可安慰的

solace / 'sɑl s /'s l-/ 安慰(一个太阳般的笑脸)The sick man found solace in music.

lunar / 'lu n (r)/ 月亮的 Luna 月神

lunatic / 'lu n t k/ 疯子(月圆之夜人容易发疯)You're driving on the wrong side of the road, you lunatic! eclipse / 'kl ps/ 食, 衰落 solar eclipse 日食

The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death.

clipping / 'kl p / 剪报

nibble / 'n bl/ 细咬,细食She nibbled his ears playfully.

babble / 'bæbl/ 胡言乱语Stop babbling and speak more slowly.

gabble / 'gæbl/ 口齿不清Take your time and don't gabble!

dabble / 'dæbl/ 涉足,戏水He just dabbles in politics.

gobble / 'gɑbl /'g bl/ 狼吞虎咽The rent gobbles up half his earnings.


pageant / 'pæd nt/ 壮观,华饰(一纸蚂蚁,好壮观)

tenant / 'ten nt/ 房客(10个蚂蚁是房客)

warrant /’w r nt; w r-/ 保证担保(作战的蚂蚁,保证蚁后的安全)He had no warrant for doing that/what he did.

propagate / 'prɑp ge t /'pr -/ 繁殖(家谱向前翻了一页)Plants won't propagate in these conditions.

prone / pr n/ 倾向 be prone to 容易做…事He is prone to lose his temper when people disagree with him. scourge / sk rd /sk d / 引起灾害的事物和人(使所有人的勇气丧失的人)

The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient.

smother / 'sm ð (r)/ 窒息(该死的妈妈武则天,闷死了自己的女儿)减少(呼吸在慢慢减少)

She felt smothered with kindness.

tumble / 't mbl/ 跌倒,跌落(贪步会跌倒)Share prices tumbled on the stock-market.

humble / 't mbl/ 谦虚(含苞是谦虚)

stumble / 'st mbl/ 跌倒,绊倒 stumble to 明白

gamble / 'gæmbl/ 赌博 (干部爱赌博)She stumbled briefly (over the unfamiliar word) but then continued.

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tumbler / 't mbl (r)/ 不倒翁; 打滚的人, 杂技演员, 翻筋斗者

tum / t m/ 臃肿(臃肿的人容易摔倒)I'd like to lose some weight from my tum. tumor / 'tu m (r) /'tju- / 肿瘤

tumid / 'tu m d /'tju-/ 肿胀的; 隆起的

limpid / 'l mp d/ 清澈的(清澈的河里有很多长满鳞片的动物)

turbid / 't rb d /'t -/ 混沌的

torpid / 't rp d /'t -/ 有气无力的(特疲惫的)

humid / 'hju m d/ 潮湿的(上帝用潮湿的泥土捏造了人类)

They were not prepared for the humid heat of the tropical forest.

humous / 'hju m s/ 腐蚀土的(动植物的尸体与土混合在一起)

afflict / 'fl kt/ 使痛苦 -flict 打Severe drought has afflicted the countryside.

conflict / 'k nfl kt/ 冲突 (相互打)Your statement is in conflict with the rest of the evidence.

inflict / n'fl kt/ 自己折磨自己They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.

censure / 'sen / 则难(三个舌头在责难你)He was censured by the council for leaking information to the press.

versatile / 'v rs tl /'v s ta l/ 多才多艺的(窝舌头)He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.

chastise / t æ'sta z/ 责备(踩死你)He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.

pan / pæn/ 平底锅,猛烈批评(用平底锅拍死你)The film was panned by the critics.

panic / 'pæn k/ 恐怖 (女朋友用平底锅拍你 好恐怖)I got into a panic when I found the door was locked. dissimulation / d s mj 'le n/ 假装,掩饰

simulate / 's mj le t /-j l-/ 模仿The computer simulates conditions on the sea bed.

stimulate / 'st mj le t /-j l-/ 刺激(模仿残疾人就是刺激他) stimulation

Praise always stimulates him to further efforts/to make greater efforts.

mediate / 'mi d e t/ 调解(媒体是调解政府和百姓的关系的)All offers of mediation were rejected.

meditate / 'med te t/ 考虑(调解他考虑他)I meditate in order to relax.

flog / flɑg /fl g/ 重打,鞭笞The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing.

flair / fler /fle / 天赋的本能(鸟在空中飞是一种天赋的本能)The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing. flinch / 'med te t/ 畏缩 He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching.

quail / kwe l/ 鹌鹑;畏缩 His heart quailed.

exodus / 'eks d s/ 成群结队外出(我们向外做事)

The play was so awful that there was a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.

flaunt / fl nt ,flɑnt /fl nt/ 炫耀He's always flaunting his wealth.

flock / flɑk /fl k/ 成群结对的飞 n.一群 People came in flocks to see the royal procession.

flout / fla t/ 蔑视 flounder / 'fla nd (r)/ 挣扎

Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering (about/around) in the deep end of the swimming-pool.


flirt / fl rt /fl t/ 调情It's embarrassing when they flirt like that in public, ie with each other.

flee / fl / 逃走The customers fled (from the bank) when the alarm sounded.

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feeble / 'f bl/ 脆弱的,易受伤害的Don't be so feeble! Tell her you don't want to go.

fade / fe d/ 褪色 The strong sunlight had faded the curtains.

glee / gl / 高兴 She couldn't disguise her glee at their discomfiture.

fling / fl / 抛,扔He flung the paper away in disgust.


fledge / fled / 鸟儿长羽毛(飞在边缘的家伙) 喂养(大鸟飞在窝边,喂小鸟) fledgling /'fled l /小鸟 inscription / n'skr p n/ 题字,碑铭There are no inscriptions or markings to identify the tombs.

ascribe / 'skra b/ 归因于…He ascribed his failure to bad luck.

circumscribe / 's k mskra b/ 限制(写一个圈,把人圈起来)

The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law.

conscript / 'k nskr pt/ 征兵 (木兰辞,卷卷写上大名,征你去当兵)

I got conscripted into the team when their top player was injured.

prescribe / pr 'skra b/ 开药方She prescribed some pills to help me to sleep.

inscribe / n'skra b/ 铭刻,雕刻(写到里边)The book was inscribed `To Cyril, with warmest regards.' scribe / skra b/ 涂鸦(乱画,写来写去)

pebble / 'pebl/ 卵石 rubble / 'r bl/ 碎石 hobble / 'hɑbl /'h bl/ 跛行 quibble / 'kw bl/ 借口 拍卵石,入碎石,好跛行,鬼借口。

meddle / 'medl/ 干预或扰乱他人之事(大清早卖豆腐的人扰乱人家的睡眠)

You're always meddling. meddle with sth

posture / 'pɑst (r) /'p s-/ 人体的姿势The artist asked his model to take a reclining posture.

pose / p uz; poz/(表放置)

compose / k m'p z/ 创作,组成(共同放在一起)I'm composing a formal reply to the letter.

composition / com·po·si·tion / k mp 'z n/ 作文

decompose / di k m'p z/ 分解(把放在一起的去掉)

As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane gas.

impose / m'p z/ 征税; 把...强加于; 加于; 利用; 施影响; 欺骗She imposed her ideas on the group. expose / ex·pose / k'sp z/ 暴露 (放在外面)The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.

depose / d 'p z/ 降职,免职(向下放)The president was deposed in a military coup.

deposit / d 'p z t/ 沉淀物 (放在下边的物质)

spawn / sp n/ 产卵 The band's album spawned a string of hit singles. roe / r / 卵

fawn / f n; f n/ 小鹿,奉承 pawn / p n/ 典当


rummage / 'r m d / 翻找,找寻 I rummaged through the contents of the box until I found the book I wanted. rumor /'ru m (r)/ 谣言

spout / spa t/ 喷出,涌出 specialist (专家外出看喷发)The wound spouted blood.

sprout / spra t/ 发芽 (专家喷发出了花)

broth / br θ/ 肉汤 brother 兄弟 bother 打扰 (有花是兄弟,无花是打扰,兄弟无人是肉汤)

spurn /sp n/ 踢到一边去 urn / n / 咖啡壶,骨灰罐 (专家把咖啡壶踢到一边去)She spurned his advances. spur /sp / 踢马刺,刺激 A few encouraging words might provide just the spur she needs.

Saturn / 'sæt n/ 土星(一屁股坐在骨灰罐上) saturnine / 'sat·ur·nine / 'sæt (r)na n/ 极忧郁的

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spank / spæ k/ 打人 swank 打扮 (专家爱打人,天鹅爱打扮)The boy got a sound spanking.

sphere / sf r/sf / 球体(专家在这里研究球体) sparrow / 'spær / 麻雀 (专家拿箭射麻雀)

spoil / sp l/ 溺爱,损毁 (专家的油被损毁)The bad news has spoilt my day.

spouse / spa z ,-s/ 配偶 (死了都要抱在一起的人)

sprain / spre n/ 扭伤 (专家在下雨天扭伤了)I stumbled and sprained my ankle.

traverse / 'træv (r)s/ 走过,横过 The road traverses a wild and mountainous region. -verse 转的词根

universe / 'ju n v rs /-v s/ 宇宙

reverse / r 'v rs /-'v s/ 颠倒,反转(反过来转)

inverse / n'v rs /-'v s/ 反转的,相反的(向里转)

anniversary / æn 'v s r / 周年纪念 annual / ˋænj l/ 每年的

averse / 'v s/ 憎恨,厌恶的(不跟你转了,厌恶你)He seems to be averse to hard work.

perverse / p r'v rs /p 'v s/ 故意作对的,刚愎自用的 (完全不跟你转)You are being unnecessarily perverse.

adverse / 'ædv s/ 敌对的 His health was adversely affected by the climate. adversary 对手

controversy / 'k ntr v s / 矛盾 The appointment of the new director aroused a lot of controversy. malversation / mælv (r)'se n / 诽谤 (向不好的方向转)

diverse / da 'v s/ 不同的(向两个方向转) diversify Her interests are very diverse.

wishful / 'w f l/ 渴望的 cupidity / kju 'p d t / 贪婪的

crave / kre v/ 渴望(渴望山洞开满鲜花)I was craving for a drink.

eager / 'i g / 渴望 I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.

meager / 'mi g (r)/ 缺乏 (我渴望我缺乏的)

amicable / 'æm k bl/ 友善的 They lived together amicably for several years.

amiable / 'æm k bl/ 友善的,和善的 Her parents seemed very amiable.

blizzard / 'bl z d/ 大风雪,暴风雪 (大风雪的时候不能离开这的)

The blizzard struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage.

lizard / 'l z (r)d/ 蜥蜴(离开这的)

cruised / kru z/ 往返航行,海上游弋 cruiser / kru z/ 巡洋舰

bruise / bru z/ 瘀伤(不如去死,布鲁斯·李把人打的)He was covered in bruises after falling off his bicycle. bromide / 'br ma d/ 陈腐的 commonplace / k m nple s; ˋkɑm n ples/ 平凡的,陈腐的

He's not at all exciting, in fact he's really rather commonplace.

pedestrian / p destr n; p ˋd str n/ 行人,平凡的

Two pedestrians and a cyclist were injured when the car skidded.

bale / be l; bel/ 灾祸,包裹 The cloth was packed in bales.

eradicate / ræd ke t; ˋræd ket/ 根除,歼灭 Smallpox has almost been eradicated.

radical / ræd kl; ˋræd kl/ 根本的,基本的,激进的

radicate / 'ræd ket/ 使生根,确立

enroll / n'r l/ 招收学员

embody / m'b d / 具体体现 This model embodies many new features.

glimmer / 'gl m (r)/ 微光 (slim 苗条,一个苗条的光)This model embodies many new features.(迹象)

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glitter / ˋɡl ˋt / 珠宝的闪光 The water glittered in the sunlight.

glisten /'gl sn/ 露珠的闪光 Sweat glistened on his forehead.

glamour / 'glæm (r)/ 魅力 Now that she's an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.

amorous / 'æm r s/ 多情的,好色的(爱摸玫瑰的人)He became quite amorous at the office party. morose / m 'r s/ 郁闷 (情人节没有玫瑰感觉很郁闷)She just sat there looking morose.

under the rose 秘密地

prose / pr z/ 散文(充满玫瑰的东西)

homosexual / h m 'sek l/ 同性恋(homo-是“同的,相同的”,sexual是“性”)


lump / l mp / 堆,团,大量;肿块 lumpish / 'l mp / 笨拙的

plump / pl mp / 丰满的(一种pl的突出) You're getting a bit plump you need to diet!

bump / b mp / 碰撞 In the dark I bumped into a chair. bumper 保险杆

bump into 偶然撞到 Guess who I bumped into today?

mope / m p / 不开心 He's been moping around (the house) all day.

mirth / m rθ /m θ / 高兴 (妈妈看到你出生) mend / mend / 修补 (妈妈知道生命的最后一刻还在缝缝补补)

gump 傻瓜 gloom / glu m; ɡlum/ 郁闷(哥哥找不到mm) 天气不好,阴沉的,昏暗的

The news cast a deep gloom over the village.

slump / sl mp; sl mp/ 脱落,跌落 Tired from her walk she slumped (down) onto the sofa.


ransack / rænsæk; ræn sæk / 细细搜索(背着麻袋跑) lay off=get your sack (拿走你的麻袋)

I've ransacked the house for those papers, but I can't find them.

slash / slæ ; slæ / (以剑、刀等)砍 She tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.

lash / læ ; læ / 鞭打 (同)flog Branches lashed at my face.

vogue / v ug; voɡ/ 时尚,流行 His novels had a great vogue ten years ago.

vague / ve g; veɡ/ 模糊的(为哥哥说了一些模棱两可的话)The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague. linger / l g (r); ˋl ɡ / 徘徊,逗留 (恋爱中的小女子和她的哥哥在逛街) I have a lingering fear. bulwark / bulw k; ˋb lw k/ 防波堤 (bull,公牛的工作是防护牛群)Democracy is a bulwark of freedom. Styx 冥河 Pluto / plu t u; ˋpluto/ 冥王星

abyss / b s; ˋb s/ 深渊(扔进深渊你必死) abysmal / b zm l; ˋb zml/ 深的

Ahead of them was a gaping abyss.

Titan / ta tn; ˋta tn/ 巨人(太太是家中的巨人)

absurd / b s d; bˋs d/ 荒谬的 (爱不死的很荒谬) What an absurd suggestion!

ch- 时间的词根

chronic / kr n k; ˋkrɑn k/ 慢性病

chronicle / kr n kl; ˋkrɑn kl/ 编年史

chronometer / kr n m t (r); kr ˋnɑm t / 计时器


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Prometheus 普罗米修斯 (先知先觉的人) Epimetheus 厄毗米修斯 (后知后觉的人)

deluge / delju d ; ˋd ljud / 大洪水

tome / t um; tom/ 一卷书,一册书

atom / æt m; ˋæt m/ 原子 (a:没有,tom:切,不能再切的物质)

epitome / p t m ; ˋp t m / 故事的梗概 (在外边的一卷书)缩影; 节录; 象征

He is the epitome of a modern young man.

Achilles / k li z; ˋk liz/ 阿基里斯

chill / t l; t l/ 寒冷(哀凄)There's quite a chill in the air this morning.

tremble / trembl; ˋtr mbl/ 颤抖 (穿的太薄)Her voice trembled with excitement.

extreme / k stri m; kˋstrim/ 极限 extreme sports 极限运动

dubious / dju b s;ˋdub s/ 惊疑的,暧昧的 I remain dubious about her motives.

facet / fæs t; ˋfæs t/(事情之)一面 There are many facets to this question.

farce / fɑ s; fɑrs/ 闹剧 (在脸上插了一朵花) The prisoner's trial was a farce.

fart / fɑ t; fɑrt/ 放屁 Stop farting around and behave yourself!

头(tou)&toe 脚趾 屁&pea 豌豆 扑克(puke)&puke / pju k; pjuk/ 呕吐 臭&chou 女朋友

peacock / pi k k; ˋpi kɑk/ 孔雀 (身上长满豌豆的公鸡)

heed / hi d; ˋhid/ 注意 Take heed of your doctor's advice.

huddle / h dl; ˋh dl/ 挤成一团 We all huddled around the radio to hear the news.

waddle / w dl; ˋwɑdl/ 摇摆 (我抖)A short plump man came waddling towards me.

mumble / m mbl; ˋm mbl/ 楠楠耳语,咕哝 He always mumbles when he's embarrassed.

hush / h ; h / 安静 He hushed the baby to sleep.

trickle / tr kl; ˋtr kl/ 细流 (水滴声)

woo / wu ; wu/ 求爱 (猫头鹰求爱的声音) woo one’s dream

Selected items are being sold at half price to woo customers into the store.

smog 烟雾 smog=smoke + fog frog 青蛙

wont / w nt; w nt/习惯 (他成功是一个习惯) He was wont to give lengthy speeches.

absolve / b z lv; bˋzɑlv/ 赦免(把事情解决好,让你离开)

abuse / bju z; ˋbjuz/ 滥用(离开了正常的使用)What she did was an abuse of her position as manager. abnormal / æb n ml; æbˋn rml/ 变态的

abide / ba d; ˋba d/ 忍受 (离开了爱的人要忍受孤独)I can't abide that man.

bias / ba s; ˋba s/ 偏见(两种如同不一样的观点)He is without bias, ie is impartial.

contend / k n tend; k nˋt nd/ 竞争,辩论 She's had a lot of problems to contend with.

tender / tend (r); ˋt nd / 细嫩的 (疼的)

deplore / d pl (r); d ˋpl r/ 悲痛,深悔 She deplored his scandalous actions. plore 哭

fraction / fræk n; ˋfræk n/ 部分

friction / fr k n; ˋfr k n/ 摩擦

faction 团体,党派

fiction 小说


narcissus / nɑ s s s; nɑrˋs s s/ 水仙花 (在水边看着自己的倒影自恋死了)

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echo / ek u; ˋ ko/ 回音 echo location 回音定位

exile / eksa l; ˋ ɡza l/ 流放 After an exile of ten years her uncle returned to Britain.

agile / æd a l;ˋæd l/ 敏捷的

agenda / d end ; ˋd nd / 会议议程(从会议的开始到结束)

refraction / r 'fræk n/折射

reflection / r flek n; r ˋfl k n/ 反射,反思 Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.

fragile / fræd a l;ˋfræd l/ 脆的,易碎的

fragment / frægm nt; ˋfræɡm nt/ 碎片

magnitude / mægn tju d; ˋmæɡn tud/ 大小,量

magnify / mægn fa ; ˋmæɡn fa / 放大 The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages. magnificent / mæg n f snt; mæɡˋn f snt/ 精美的

relish / rel ; ˋr l / 胃口,喜好 (阿姨胃口好)

famine / fæm n; ˋfæm n/ 饥荒 (发米了)

famish/ fæm /使饥饿

vanish / væn ; ˋvæn / 消失 (哇你消失了) The thief vanished into the crowd.

punish / p n ; ˋp n / 惩罚 (怕你迷失,你爸爸拍死你)

banish / bæn ; ˋbæn / 放逐 (颁布禁令不准回来)He was banished (from his homeland) for life.

polish / p l ; ˋpɑl / 抛光 apple-polish 马屁精 polish 言行举止文雅的 This table-top polishes up nicely.

surly / s l ; ˋs l / 暴怒的 Don't look so surly!

lumpish / 'l mp / 笨拙的

blemish / blem ; ˋbl m / 污点;v.弄脏 (英国首相布莱尔消失了是英国的一个污点)

abandon / bænd n; ˋbænd n/放纵 (禁令没了之后,做任何事情)

liberated /'l b re t/ 放纵 (自由过了头)

sneak / sni k; snik/ 潜行,行为鬼祟 She sneaked on her best friend to the teacher.(打小报告)

sample / sɑ mpl;ˋsæmpl/ 标本,样品 (用来举例的蛇是标本)

The interviews were given to a random sample of students.

scuba / sku b ; ˋskub / 潜水呼吸器 (蛇酷吧)

smuggle / sm gl; ˋsm ɡl/ 走私 (用马就够)

marsh / mɑ ; mɑr / 沼泽 (马消失的地方)

marshal / mɑ l; ˋmɑr l/ 元帅 (你是我的元帅,我马首是瞻)

tidings / ta d z; ˋta d z/ 消息 (海浪传来的消息)Have you heard the glad tidings?

aghast / gɑ st; ˋɡæst/ 惊骇的,恐怖的 He stood aghast at the terrible sight.

grim / gr m; ɡr m/ 恐怖的(rim 边上,鬼站在你的边上,很恐怖) 严格的

He looked grim; I could tell something was wrong.

grisly / gr m; ɡr m/ 恐怖的 (鬼升起来了)

cumber /'k mb / 阻碍,拖累 (cum-躺,躺在地上的东西是个阻碍)

incubate / kjube t; ˋ kj bet/ 孵化 (鸡趴在那里做的动作) incubator 孵化器

Some viruses incubate very rapidly.

cubicle / kju b kl; ˋkjub kl/ 小室 (用来躺的屋子)

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concubine / k kjuba n; ˋkɑ kj ba n/ 情妇 (共同躺在一起的人) sweety 情妇

succumb / s k m; s ˋk m/ 屈服 (躺在下边是屈服) The city succumbed after only a short siege.

decree / d kri ; d ˋkri/ 命令,决定 The government decreed a state of emergency.

frolic / fr l k; ˋfrɑl k/ 嬉戏,作乐(像青蛙快乐的在水中游泳) enjoyment 自娱自乐

aggressive / gres v; ˋɡr s v/ 好斗的 attack 攻击 assault / s lt; ˋs lt/ 攻击(往你伤口上撒盐)

tackle / tækl; ˋtækl/ 处理 I think I'll tackle the repairs next weekend.

mingle / m gl; ˋm ɡl/ 混合 Her tears mingled with the blood on her face.

sparkle / spɑ kl; ˋspɑrkl/ 点亮 Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

startle / stɑ tl; ˋstɑrtl/ 震惊 I was startled to hear his news/by his news.


sneer / sn (r); sn r/ 蔑视 (sn- 跟鼻子有关) snore 打鼾 (太闹了)

I resent the way he sneers at our efforts.

intercourse / nt k s; ˋ nt k rs/ 交通,交往 (在课程之间往来)

veil / ve l; vel/ 面纱 reveal 揭示 fold 折叠 folder 文件夹 unfold 揭示 (打开折叠的东西)

menace / men s; ˋm n s/ 威胁 (men 你去死吧,我威胁你)These weapons are a menace (to world peace). manifold / mæn f uld; ˋmæn fold/ 多种多样的,各式各样的(人老了容易得各种各样的病)

manoeuvre / m nu v (r); m ˋnuv / 操控,控制 (一个男人想永远控制你)

Cyclists were manoeuvring on the practice track.

mandate / mænde t; ˋmændet/ 命令 (男人给你的约会)date sb. 跟某人约会 (带暧昧关系)appointment tryst 约会 (高中生约会,会被踹死的)

precipice / pres p s; ˋpr s p s/ 悬崖 (珍贵的调味料都长在悬崖上)

cliff / kl f; kl f/ 悬崖 (颗粒选举失败后到悬崖上飞啊飞)

climax / kla mæks; ˋkla mæks/ 高潮 (克里+马克思掀起选举高潮)

clinic / kl n k; ˋkl n k/ 诊所 (克里和尼克松开了个诊所)

cliche / kli e ; kli e ;/ 腐朽的,陈词滥调的 (克里家的车,资本主义的象征,腐朽的资本主义生活) Cliche is a feature of bad journalism. /'d rn l z m /'d n-/ 新闻业

banal / b nɑ l;ˋbenl/ 腐朽的 (被废止的东西)

sanctuary / sæ kt u r ; ˋsæ kt r / 圣所,圣堂,神殿 (tuary- 房,所,堂;三拜九扣的堂)

mortal 尸体 mortuary / m t r ;ˋm rt r / 停尸房 mortify 羞辱 (心理死)

sanction / sæ k n; ˋsæ k n/ 批准 (三思后批准你的行为)

The book was translated without the sanction of the author.

husband 丈夫;节俭 She waited, husbanding her strength for her next visitors.

vaunt / v nt; v nt/ 自吹自擂 (胜利的姑姑)

boast / b ust; bost/ 自吹自擂 (我要抱死他,这个不可能)That's nothing to boast about.

boastful 自夸的

toast / t ust; tost/ 干杯 coast / k ust; kost/ 海岸线 roast / r ust; rost/ 烧烤


spate / spe t; spet/ 下大雨 (专家不出门,在家吃东西,因为外面下大雨) a spate of 大量

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tread / tred; tr d/ 步行于,行走于 She trod lightly so as not to wake the baby.

torpor / t p (r); ˋt rp / 有气无力 (太婆走路有气无力)

languish / læ gw ; ˋlæ ɡw / 无精打采 (懒鬼总是无精打采)

Since the war the industry has gradually languished.

glisten 露珠的闪光


ammunition / æmju n n; æmj ˋn n/ 弹药,军火

flack /flæk/ 高射炮

invade / n ve d; nˋved/ 侵略 (小布什走进伊拉克境内)

elude / lu d; ˋlud/ 逃走 (一路的跑了)The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.

evade / ve d; ˋved/ 逃走 (萨达姆一味的逃走) evasive evasion

illusion / lu n; ˋlu n/ 幻觉 (一路神)

pervade / p ve d; p ˋved/ 蔓延,遍及 (导致伊拉克到处遍及战火)

Her work is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age.

illumine / 'lu m n/ 点亮,照亮 (一路都很明亮) illuminate

elope / l up / 私奔 (我们一路向前跑) He eloped with one of his students.

antelope / ænt l up / 羚羊 (蚂蚁带着羚羊私奔)

lope 慢跑 (落跑的新娘) The tiger loped off into the jungle.

dotting 过于喜爱的,溺爱的 (逗你)

cocker / k k (r); ˋkɑk / 猎犬 (引申为溺爱)

bicker / b k (r); ˋb k / 吵架 (两个猎犬在吵架)

The children are always bickering (with each other) (over their toys).

pamper / pæmp (r); ˋpæmp / 溺爱 (在手上画画) spoil 溺爱

humor 溺爱 (爸爸总给你讲幽默故事)

engross / n gr us; nˋɡros/ 全神贯注于 As the business grew, it totally engrossed him.

concentrate / k nsntre t; ˋkɑnsn tret/ 集中的 concentrate camp 集中营 concentrate on 集中注意力做······

eccentric / k sentr k; kˋs ntr k/ 古怪 (从中心出来 )

gush / g ; ɡ / 涌出,倾流

bush / bu ; b / 灌木丛

hush / h ; h / 肃静 He hushed the baby to sleep.

plush / pl ; pl / 绒毛;豪华的

ambush / æmbu ; ˋæmb / 伏击某人 (我在灌木丛中去抓你)

blush=flush 脸红

lobster / l bst (r); ˋlɑbst / 龙虾(老不死的)


insuperable / n su p r bl; nˋsup r bl/ 不能超越的,不能克服的

superfluous / su p flu s; s ˋp fl s/ 多余的,冗余的,过剩的 (超过的流出来)

redundant / r d nd nt; r ˋd nd nt/ 冗余的,多余的,过剩的 The illustration had too much redundant detail. abundant / b nd nt; ˋb nd nt/ 丰富的,大量的 We have abundant proof of his guilt.

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superior / su p r (r); s ˋp r / 卓越的,优良的 This candidate is clearly superior.

superficial / su p f l; sup ˋf l/ 表面的,肤浅的 You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.

superb / su p b; also; s ˋp b/ 非常好的,极好的 (超过B的就是A)

supervise / su p va z; sup ˋva z/ 监督 (超过看你,vise 看 visible 可见的) supervisor 考官

ordeal / di l, di l; rˋdil, ˋ rdil/ 残酷的考验,痛苦的考验 (也许痛苦的经历是对你考验) obedient / bi d nt; ˋbid nt/ 顺从的 His dog is very obedient.

aggressive / gres v; ˋɡr s v/ 攻击性的

pouch / paut ; pa t / 小袋

screech / skri t ; skrit / 尖叫,哭 The child screeched insults at us.

siren / sa r n; ˋsa r n/ 尖叫,报警 (赛王,希腊神话的女妖)

Sphinx / sf ks; sf ks/ 斯芬克斯,狮身人面像

stature / stæt (r); ˋstæt / 身材,身长 (站着那的)

undermine / nd ma n; nd ˋma n/ 以危害手段伤害,暗中破坏;在······之下挖掘,逐渐损毁 (在下边埋个雷)

undergo / nd g u; nd ˋɡo/ 经历 My mother underwent major surgery last year.

underline / nd la n; nd ˋla n/ 强调 (在下面划了一根线) =underscore

The names of the winners are underlined in red.

undertake / nd te k; nd ˋtek/ 承担,从事

underage / nd (r)'e d / 未成年

assess / ses; ˋs s/ 评估,估定 It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.

asset / æset; ˋæs t/ 财产 He's an enormous asset to the team.

evaluate 评价

stagger / stæg (r); ˋstæɡ / 步履蹒跚地走 (大街上一个上了年纪的人) She staggered and fell.

staple / ste pl; ˋstepl/ 主要产品 (大街上的苹果多)

stable / ste bl; ˋstebl/ 稳定的 (主要产品要稳定)

savage / sæv d ; ˋsæv d / 野蛮的 (需要救命的年代)

mental / mentl; ˋm ntl/ 精神的,智力的 (人的头)

chamber / t e mb (r); ˋt emb / 房间,寝室;立法或司法团体

disdain / d s de n; d sˋden/ 鄙视,轻视 Immigrants accept the jobs disdained by the local workforce.

sneer / sn (r); sn r/ 鄙视 (是你啊)

despise / d spa z; d ˋspa z/ 鄙视 (低头向你吐口水)

scorn / sk n; sk rn/ 轻视,蔑视,看不起 (死玉米)

espy / spa ; ˋspa / 鄙视,轻视,监视

glossy /'glɑs /'gl s-/平滑的,有光泽的

janitor / d æn t (r) / 管门者 (监狱看门人)

packet / pæk t; ˋpæk t/ 包裹

pulpit / pulp t; ˋp lp t/ 教堂的讲台,说教台

scorch / sk t ; sk rt / 烧焦,使枯萎 I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it.


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singe s nd ; s nd / 烧焦

binge / b nd ; b nd / 狂欢

forge / f d ; f rd / 伪造

barge / bɑ d ; bɑrd / 驳船

tugboat /'t gb ut/ 拖船

tinge / t nd ; t nd / 微染

twinge / tw nd ; tw nd / 剧痛,痛苦 He felt a twinge in his knee as he jumped over the wall.

badge / bæd ; bæd / 徽章


surge / s d ; s d /(波浪)起伏,汹涌 The crowd surged (past) into the stadium.

surplus / s pl s; ˋs pl s/ 多余的 (多加了点) Surpluses of food can be sold for cash.

surpass / s pɑ s;ˋpæs/ 超过 The beauty of the scenery surpassed all my expectations.

utensil / ju tensl; juˋt nsl/ 器皿,用具

bayonet / be n t; ˋbe n t/ 刺刀

compassion / k m pæ n; k mˋpæ n/ 怜悯,调情 The plight of the refugees arouses our compassion.

compass / k mp s; ˋk mp s/ 指南针(为你报时)

detain / d te n; d ˋten/ 使延迟,阻止;拘留,扣押 (摁着头拿进来)

This question need not detain us long, ie can be settled quickly.

faction 党派 同 clique / kli k; klik/ (一派的,克里的客人)

hue / hju ; hju/ 色彩亮度

luster /'l st (r) / 光彩,光辉;荣誉,光荣

lust / l st; l st/ 欲望(辣妹激起很多人的欲望) Their affair was driven by pure lust.

lustful / 'l stf l/ 好色的

persevere / p s v (r); p s ˋv r/ 坚忍

rave / re v; rev/ 发狂语

slay / sle ; sle/ 杀,毁 (终于死了)

massacre / mæs k (r); ˋmæs k / 大屠杀 (杀死了一亩地的人)

slaughter / sl t (r); ˋsl t / 大屠杀(鬼子边杀人边狂笑)

tablet / tæbl t; ˋtæbl t/ 块、片

ringlet / r l t; ˋr l t/ 小母鸡 (扑过来吃)

booklet / bukl t; ˋb kl t/ 小书

lakelet /'leiklit/小湖

voluptuous / v l pt u s; v ˋl pt s/ 肉感的 第四讲

access / ækses / 进入,接近 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.

accessible / k ses bl; kˋs s bl/ 可接近的 inaccessible 不可接近的

excess / k ses / 过度了,过剩了(走多了) excession excessive

An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease.

process / pr uses; pr ses / 前进加工 procession

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concession / k n se n; 妥协 There is a call for the concession of certain rights.

recession / r se n/ 停业,整顿,企业处于萧条的状态 (走回来)The economy is in deep recession.

incessant / n sesnt/ 连续不断的 (蚂蚁一直在走)

beckon / bek n/ 招手点头同意 She beckoned (to) me (to follow).

concur / k n'k / 同意意见一致;同时发生 (cur:跑,同时跑,同时发生)

Everything concurred to produce a successful result.

occur / 'k r / 'k / 发生 When did the accident occur?

recur / n'k r /-'k / 复发 (跑回来) The symptoms tend to recur.

incur / n'k r /-'k / 招致,导致 (跑到心里去了)

She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent.

precursor / pr 'k rs (r) /-'k s-/ 祖先 (在前面跑的人)

excursion / k'sk n/ 探险远征 (把脚卖出去)

ancestor / 'ænsest / 祖先 (一个姐姐——女娲)

successor / s k'ses (r)/ 后任 predecessor / 'pred ses r /'pr d ses / 前任

denounce / d 'na ns/ 当众指责 An informer denounced him to the police (as a terrorist). nounce 说的词根

announce / 'na ns/ 宣布 They announced their engagement to the family.

allege / 'led / 宣布 He alleged illness as the reason for his absence.

claim /kle m/ 声称 (主观上)

renounce / r 'na ns/ 撤销 (同revoke) They've renounced their old criminal way of life.

recreant / 'rekr nt/ 懦夫 You recreant knave!

sert 塞 insert / n's rt /-'s t/ 插入 (往里塞)

assert / 's t/ 断言 (我一再地往里塞)

desert / d 'z t/ 遗弃;沙漠 (向不好的方向塞)

desserts / d 'z ts/ 甜品 (把沙漠里的蛇做成甜品)

stressed /stres/ 压力 (甜品倒过来就是压力)

fray /fre / 争吵,斗争;磨损,磨破 This cloth frays easily.

afford / 'f d/ 负担,承担 (阿福,老俞买不起阿福) I'd love to go on holiday but I can't afford the time. affable / 'æf bl/ 和蔼可亲 (阿福能做到的事)

affinity / 'f n t / 关系密切,亲属关系 (狗与里边的人关系密切)

affray / 'fre / 争吵 (阿福为光线在争吵) The men were charged with causing an affray.

betray / b 'tre / 出卖,背叛 (光下赌博被出卖) Judas betrayed Jesus (to the authorities).

stray /stre / 迷路 (满街都是光线的时候狗容易迷路) Some of the cattle have strayed.

pray /pre / 祈祷 array / 're / 排列 an array of 大量的

tray /tre / 盘子 ashtray /'æ ,trei/ 烟灰缸


hamper / 'hæmp (r)/ 阻碍 Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.

tamper / 'tæmp (r)/ 篡改 Someone has been tampering with the lock.

tamp /tæmp/ 纵容

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