Compositions Not Too Soon
Some-not all of the weaknesses students display in writing English are, I believe, aggravated by the educational system, and the pressures it exerts on teachers and students alike. In particular, I believe that students are often required to write English compositions too soon. Writing so as to express your own thoughts, opinions and observations is difficult even in your mother tongue. There are pitfalls and opportunities to error at every turn when you are using your second language! The stage of guided writing, the exercises where you are given the ideas or where you are expected to complete or change or adapt sentences, rather than to invent them, is a very important stage, and should be an extended one. I think it is too often cut short in case students get bored. If the exercises are suitable though, they are difficult enough to be interesting, but not so difficult that most students have no real expectation of success.
英语作文不嫌迟 我相信,学生在英文书写方面军的某些缺点,当然不是指所有的缺点,之所以会每况愈下,应归咎于教育制度以及教师与同学所加诸的压力。尤其是教师常常太早要求学生写英文作文,我认为这并不恰当。因为 即使是使用母语来表达自己的想法、意见和观感都不是件容易的事, 而使用第二种语言来写,更免不了随时都有陷阱和犯错的机会!引导写作的这一重要阶段应该拉长,这个阶段的练习,在于提示你一个中心思想,在于要你完成句子,变换句型或修饰句子,而不要你急着自行独创句子。我认为,这个阶段,往往一遇到学生感到厌倦就予于缩短,实在不该。只要练习合乎需要,就该难度适当,足以引起学生的乐趣,而不应太过艰难,使得大多数的学生缺乏成就感。
Reading a Bilingual Magazine