到它是什么时候? When did you last see him?
没多久以前,冲进冰淇淋货车 Not too long ago, breaking into the icecream truck
我看准那只小狗会被关起来,你记住我的话 That little pup, he's gonna end up in a dog pound, mark my words
看 Look
巴特波! Budderball!
[犬叫声] [Both barking]
小狗足迹,它们来过这里 Puppy prints They've been in here
糟了 Uh-oh!
[犬叫声] [Barking]
伙伴们,醒醒。塔伦在呼唤我们 Buddies, wake up Talon is calling us
哈 ? Huh ?
我今晚把你们叫来是为了教你们最后一课 I called on you tonight because there is one last thing I need to teach you pups
抬头看看 Look up
哇,伙伴们, 那是什么? Whoa! Dude, what is it?
那就是北极光 That is Aurora Borealis The northern lights
是你们祖先的灵魂 They're the spirit of all your ancestors
包括你父母,彻斯特 Including your parents, Shasta
小狗们,现在我必须说再见了 Now, pups, I must say goodbye
可是明天就比赛了 But the race is tomorrow
我已经把全部都教会你们了 I've taught you all you need to know
可是我还没有带领过雪撬队 But I've never led a race before
彻斯特,你已经完全具备成为最伟大的阿拉斯加雪撬领头狗了 Shasta, you are ready to take your place in your long lineage of great Alaskan lead dogs
可是这么一来,我们就成一个人了 But we'll be all alone
是啊,贤明的狗,巴特波说得对 Yeah, wise dawg, Budderball's got a point
要我们如何安心呢? How do you know we'll be cool?
每当你觉得疑惑的时候, When you feel doubt,
这些光会提醒你们,你们不是孤独的 these lights will remind you that you're never really alone
你要如何确定呢?\N有些时候,你必须要有信心 How can you know for sure?\NSometimes you just have to have faith
再见了。\N我们会想念你的。 Goodbye \NWe'll sure miss you
保重。\N我们最尊敬的人。 Hang loose, sir \NMaximum respect
一路平安,师傅。 Namaste, Zen sled master
谢谢你,塔伦。我们永远都不会忘记你的 Thank you, Talon We will never forget you
[叹息声] [Groans]
彻斯特? Shasta?
哇 Whoa
当它经过时,北极光照得比平时还亮 "When he passes, the northern lights will shine brighter than ever before "
[犬叫声] [Barks]
塔伦 Talon
萝斯芭,你醒着吗? Rosebud? You awake?
是的\N你会害怕吗? Yeah \NAre you afraid?
是的 Yeah
我知道这话令人难以置信,可我也很害怕 I know it's hard to believe, but I am too