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Guenter B. Finke, Ph.D. Magnetic Metals Corporation Camden, New Jersey 08101
Engineers inductors will the following netic materials applications. Why Magnetic
and designers of transformers and find the information presented in helpful in the selection of magand core shapes for specific
sinusoidal Ei= 4.44
flux, nfB
we find AC . 10s4 volts, with i,
in which AC is in square cm multiplying we find for the power VA Materials VA= 4.44 n f B AC i 9 lo-4 (4),
Magnetic materials are useful for the generation and distribution of electrical power because these materials allow to transmit large power densities at low losses. In addition, voltage and impedance can be easily changed from one level to another, since changes in the flux density of materials induce voltages in copper coils surrounding the magnetic cores (Faraday's law). The energy E= HB ($&2 density 1 or (s in a magnetic 1 (1) material is
since ni= S . Aw * K, we can substitute in equation 4 and transform into in2, so that VA= 4.55 S B . f AC Aw . lo-4,(5)= (3) in volt amperes.
H is the magnetic field, B the magnetic induction (1 Vs./cm2= log Gauss= lo4 Tesla). In a field of 500 A turns/cm and an induction of 2 Tesla, an energy density of 5 * 10-2 W/cm3 can be stored, which is as high as in the best capacitors. By multiplying equation (1) with core volume Vc= A, . lm, where A, is the core cross section and lm the mean path length and assuming a sinusoidal change of B at the frequency f, it can be rewritten as follows. The power handling capacity in VA is VA= 4.44 lm AC f B H 10v8 (2)
Core of core
AC= ED= cross section Aw= Gf= window area
Since H= ni/lm, the turns and ni the copper wire, factor (.35% for the power handling derived from the VA= 4.55
n number of turns, i current in= S Aw K, S current density in Aw core window, 2K copper fill primary and secondary turns), capacity of a transformer as energy storage equation is (3) Tesla,
S B f AC Aw * 10-4
in which AC and Aw are in in2, B in S in A/in2 and f is the frequency.
The same result is, of course, obtained if we multiply Faraday's law for induction with the current i. Ei= -n AC dB/dt, where Ei is a voltage induced in n turns by a flux change dB/dt. Solving this equation for
Metallic magnetic materials can be used from low frequencies of a few Hz to high frequencies of few hundred kHz, ferrites and iron powder cores can be used up into the MHz range. With above equations, the designer can select suitable dimensions for the copper coil and the magnetic core cross section at the given frequency which meets the loss requirement. Most manufacturers of core components list in their catalogs the Aw AC products for available shapes of core structures. Transformers and inductors can be reduced in weight and volume by operating at higher frequency or by selecting materials which can work at a higher flux density.
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and Their
nickel and their alloys cobalt, Iron, have atomic spacings in various crystalline or amorphous structures which produce an interchange of some spins of their 3-D shell so that these spins align in domain electrons, patterns and cause a strong magnetism called The magnetic material proferromagnetism. perties like saturation flux density, the ease of magnetization, permeability, the the changes of these properties core loss, with temperature are therefore influenced by the atomic structure, the anisotropies its impurity levels and of this structure, Imthe stress patterns in the material. provements in the magnetic properties of materials can be made by controlling the purity or adding certain impurities for grain refinement, by adding alloying elements to increase the resistivity, by influencing size and grain orientation, by reducgrain ing the thickness of materials and influencing domain wall spacing through stress coatings, laser scratching and crystal orientation. Figure 2 shows the hysteresis loop of a few commercial grade magnetic materials, low carbon steel, grain oriented 3% Si-Fe and 2V cobalt iron, which in 1984 cost in dollar per pound .30, .75 and .35. The area inside the loop is the core loss per For motor cycle at the measured frequency. and low cost transformer laminations, which are not continuously on-line, the low carbon steel is a suitable material. Low carbon a relatively high core steel has, however, For continuous on-line loss (wider loop). transformers grain oriented steel, with its narrower loop and higher flux density, is the optimum choice and for airborne application, where weight reduction is the main consideration, the 2V cobalt iron is the proper material, since it has the highest saturation flux density. Figure 3 gives the magnetization curves for these and some other alloys. Table 1 lists W/lb., VA/lb. and permeability at 1.5 Tesla (15,000 Gauss) for typical cowercial steels.At Thickness Inches .014, N.O. si N.O. si G.O. si G.O. si 5-l% Steel 2-2.52 Steel 3.2% Steel 3.2% Steel .014, .018, .018, .m,025 W/l 4 3 1.5 T, 60 Hz” 2.600 3,000
loops of lw 3% Sl grain and 2V cobalt
s tech.
We can expect further improvements of the various carbon and silicon steels in regard to core loss and permeability through improved melting techniques, improved processing and heat treatment. In addition, we can expect improvements in the cutting and stamping characteristics of such steels through better coating techniques and control of their mechanical properties like yield/ tensile strength and elongation, which greatly influence the cutting and stamping.
60 Hz
VA/# 6 6
5,000 6,800
Low cost, Low cost,
moderate improved
core core
loss loss
- .G,
42,000 -
VAf# and permeability of for underlined thickness.
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Inductors and electronic transformers for the telephone industry make use of Ni-Fe alloys containing 50 and 80% nickel, because these alloys have high permeability at low flux densities of .1 to 10 mT. It is well understood today how to influence the permeability and hysteresis loop of such alloys by changing the crystal anisotropies through controlled ordering, so that today flat or very square hysteresis loop materials can be made. In the 80% Ni-Fe alloys, the variation of initial permeability with temperature can be precisely controlled so that inductors and current transformers of great temperature Figure 4 shows the stability can be made. hysteresis loop of 80% Ni-Fe after various heat treatments in magnetic fields applied in the direction or perpendicular to the direction of the operating magnetic field, to either square or flatten the loop by introducing uniaxial atomic anisotropies. Gapped Magnetic Core Structures
11, Material Fig. 5 Effect of permeabiUty gap la to air
gap upon the gapped core for various ratios of air mean path length lm.
shows terial i.lg=
the gapped permeability I-lm 1+ z urn
permeability ug over urn, as calculated
the by
in which la/lm is the ratio of air gap over For larger mean path length for a given core. at the air gap fringes air gaps, the B field over a larger area and the above equations have to be corrected, as shown in Figure 6. In nickel iron alloys, for instance, the initial permeability of 80% Ni-Fe (Super Perm 80) normally varies from -30 to+6OoC by It can be made temperature more than 30%. stable by appropriate heat treatment (Super Therm 80) so that it will not vary by more In laminations such as F-shaped than 15%. the stability can be further laminations, improved by choosing an appropriate air gap This is shown in Figure 7. With this la/lm. method, lamination stacks can be made temperature stable to a variation of less than 1%.
High permeability core structures are often out of necessity or deliberately gapped, which flattens the loop and makes the permeability lower, but more constant over B and Figure 5 over a wide temperature range. de
Corrected effective air gap ratiosla/lm for core structure with larger air gaps.
Change of initial for gapped core
permeability structure.
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I_/’ srllI Fig. 8
T’ -(s)EE 1 El us= h+ 2a (coth um lm x1 12 -+ tanh ) a a
pglJFDU Typical lamination shapes (s) scrapless configuration possible.
uimDU 1 us= 2 - tanh G h-w+a Xl tanb a+ tanh i Fig. 9 Stack permeability ns for EE, DU, DE laminations -2 11 tanh a tanh2 f EI, tanh z - tard Y a
1 X 1 overlapped
Some transformers, like current transformers, can be built with toroidal core structures and tor
oidal copper windings, to minimize This is, however, exfringing field losses. Most power and electronic transformers pensive. use bobbin or stick wound copper coils into which laminations are inserted, often by autoFigure 8 shows typimatic stacking machines. cal shapes of scrapless EI, EE, L and TL laminations which, in most cases, have geometric dimensions providing long flux paths in grain direction. Other non scrapless shapes, like F are useful because they and EE laminations, allow to adjust the air gap in the center of the coil by maintaining a self shielding flux the coil, thus preventing path lm* around cross talk in the electronic coils. Sometimes EE laminations with an air gap stamped in the center leg, often bonded into stacks, are used E-core stacks are to minimize cross talk. available with AL values from 160 to 800. DU, DE and Long E laminations minimize effective air gaps when stacked 1 X 1 interleaved, so that the highest possible induction values can be obtained. In Figure 9 is shown how to calculate the stack permeability of EE, EI, DU laminations (per Pfeifer, Brenner) from its geometric configurations. The prove the posed d.c. of 2 X 2 incremental laminations 2 X 2, 3 hysteresis loop can be sheared to imincremental permeability with superby stacking E laminations in groups or 3 X 3 or 4 X 4. Figure lOshows the permeability of .014" thick, 2425EE made of 50% Ni-Fe, stacked 1 X 1, X 3 or 4 X 4 interleaved over and butt
t= thickness la= air gap between lamination * It effective shearing;1= overlap iength x2 - shunt length urn= permeability
layer length
stacked with various gaps, the d.c. premagnetization. Such stacking methods allow to maximize the inductance for a.c. signals with superposed d.c. at a very low cost. To calculate the permeability for lamination stacks, stacked 2 X 2 or 3 X 3, the thickness t and the air gap la in Figure 8 have to be doubled.
100 .1 . 10 Incremental superposed wpwd. 1&qerc P.C. permeability d.c. field, stacked turns d.c. 10 100
for .014" EE2425, 50% Ni-Fe over 1 X 1. 2 X 2, 3 X 3 and butt
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Figure 11 shows the magnetization curves of 124DU laminations made of 4914, stacked in packs of 1 X 1 to 3 X 3 laminations and magnetized with full sinewave and halfwaves. These examples show how powerful a tool controlled stacking of laminations is in the control of the hysteresis loop and the permeability. Above considerations will hopefully inspire designers to use all these tools available to maximize the efficiency of power and electronic transformers. Proper selection of material, lamination shape and stacking method. Consultation with the Engineering Departments of suppliers, to optimize designs, is always recommended and has normally great paybacks. REFERENCES: Fig. 11 Magnetization curves of 124DU, 50% NiFe stacked 1 X 1, 2 X 2, MagnetizationTv sinusoidal Magnetizationn halfwave (Br .014", 3 X 3.+ Bm) 2) Industrial Catalogs: Magnetic Metals Co
rp. Allegheny Ludlum Armco Bethlehem Steel U. S. Steel 1) R. Brenner, F. Pfeifer, Shearing of initial permeability in laminated cores, Frequenz, Vol. 14/1960 pg. 167. the