(name of author) 2 teenagers have difficulty in concentrating on a whole lesson. If teachers want the students to be absorb in a 40-45 minutes lesson, they need to use some flexible measures. Body language is a way of arousing students‟interesting and activity in class. So, English teachers should pay attention to the importance of the use of body language.
This paper attempts to make a brief but systematic overview of teachers‟ body language in terms of its development, functions and use in English teaching. This paper can be divided into four parts. The first part is body language and its relationship with English teaching. It includes the relationship between body language and English teaching, and the definition of body language. In the second part, it illustrates the necessity and functions of using body language in English. The third part presents some ways of using body language in English teaching, such as the use of facial expression, gesture and so on. In the last part, it puts forward some suggestions for English teachers about using body language.
I. Body language and its relationship with English teaching
A. The relationship between body language and English teaching
Teaching is a process in which teachers and students could communicate with each other. In this process, except for the use of verbal language, there is another effective way to help teachers and students understand each other successfully, that is body language.
i. Current situation of using body language in English teaching
As we all know, English is the most popular language in the international communication. In China, it regarded as a compulsory course, weather in primary school, middle school or college. For this reason, the effect of English teaching becomes a final goal in many parents‟and English teachers‟mind. However in English teaching process, the use of body language will make teachers‟ teaching and students‟ learning easier, and it can improve the efficiency of teaching. But at present, many English teachers still do not realize the importance of body language, especially in undeveloped or developing area, and they do not know what body language is. They just follow the cramming system and expect to receive the effect as they wish. Obviously, the result only can run in the opposite direction. Moreover, with the popularization of multi-media, most of English teachers show their content on the PPT, which reduced the chance of using body language largely in English teaching.
All in all, in China the situation of using body language in English teaching is not so good compared with