【摘要】目的:观察盐酸(HCl)、氢氧化钠(NaOH )、温度、肾上腺素(E)、乙酰胆碱(Ach)、缺空气对家兔离体肠肌运动的影响。 方法:分别给予离体家兔肠肌标本HCl、NaOH、低温、肾上腺素、乙酰胆碱、缺空气刺激,完成每次刺激并出现明显现象后用38℃台氏液冲洗肠肌标本,观察其收缩活动的特点并记录。 结果:滴加Ach、NaOH 后,肠肌运动张力和频率都增大;滴加E、 HCl 肠肌运动张力与频率迅速降低;将38℃的台氏液迅速换成25℃的台氏液后,肠肌运动肠肌运动张力与频率先迅速降低后逐渐增大;停止通空气后,肠肌运动张力先迅速增强后逐渐降低和频率逐渐降低。 结论:HCl、低温和肾上腺素可抑制离体肠肌的运动,NaOH和乙酰胆碱可增强离体肠肌的运动。
【 Abstract 】 objective: to observe the hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), temperature, epinephrine (E), acetylcholine (Ach), lack of air of rabbit in vitro intestinal muscle movement influence. Methods: in vitro were given rabbit intestinal muscle specimens HCl, NaOH, low temperature, epinephrine, acetylcholine, lack of air stimulus, complete each stimulus and appear obvious phenomenon with 38 ℃ after Taiwan's fluid impact colonics muscle specimens, observe its contraction activities of the characteristics and record. Results: drop add Ach, NaOH, intestinal muscle movement tension and frequency all increase, Drop and E, HCl intestinal muscle movement tension and frequency rapidly reduces the; 38 ℃ the table's liquid rapidly into 25 ℃ the table's after fluid, intestinal muscle movement intestinal muscle movement tension and frequency to rapidly reduced gradually increase, Stop through air, intestinal muscle movement tension and frequency to gradually reduce. Conclusion: HCl, low temperature and epinephrine inhibition in vitro intestinal muscle movement, NaOH and acetyl choline can enhance in vitro intestinal muscle movement.
【 key words 】: in vitro intestinal muscle; Taiwan's fluid; Ach, E; NaOH; HCl