of reason in thisallegedly enlightened democracy and around the world.”
As America′s oldest andmost visible university. Harvard has a spccial opportunity to convey itsrespcct for science not only through its research and teaching programs butalso in its public affirmation of evidence-based inquiry. Unfortunately,many American universitiesseem awfully busy protecting their brand name and not nearly busy enoughprotecting the pursuit of knowledge. A recent article in The Harvard Crimsonnoted the shocking growth of Harvard′s public relations arm in the last fiveyears and it questioned whether a focus on risk management and avoidingcontroversywas really the best outward-looking face of this great institution.
As Americanresearch universities begin to resemble profit centers and entertainment complexes, it’s easy tolose sight of their primary mission; to produce and spread knowledge.This missiondepends on traditions of rational discourse and vigorous defense of the scientificmethod.Oprah Winfrey’s honoray doctorate was a step in the wrong direction.
61.what do welearn about Oprah Winfrey from the passage?
A)She was adistinguished graduate of H arvard School of LaW.
B)She workedher way to success in the entertainment industry.
C)She used toabuse her children when she was a young mother.
D)Sheachieved her fame through persistent advocacy of fake science.
62.Why doesthe author deem it inappropriate for Harvard to confer an honorary degree onOprah winfrey?
A) She did notspecialize in the study of law.
B)She wasknown as a supporter of fake science.
C)She was an iconof the entertainment industry
D)She had notdistinguished herself academically.
63.How didHarry Lewis react to Harvard’s decision in his blong post ?
A)He wasstrongly against it.
B)Heconsidered it unpopular.
C)He thoughtit would help enhance Harvard’s reputation.
D)He thoughtit represented the will ofthe Harvard community.
64.What isthe author’s regretabout many American universities?
A)They show inadequate respect forevidence-based inquiry
B)They fallshort of expectations in teaching and research
C)They attachtoo much importance to public relations