The Format of a Thesis
1 Prefatory Matter
1.1 Title Page
A candidate must follow the form of the title page in the given sample thesis.
A Sample Title Page
1.2 Acknowledgements
The acknowledgements are signed with the candidate s initials, typed or written in permanent black ink.
1.3 Abstract
The length of the English abstract is limited to a maximum of 200 words. The text should follow the same paragraph format as the body of the thesis.
1.4 Table of Contents
The Table of Contents lists the headings and parts and sections of the thesis in exactly the same words that appear in the text. Entries should be single-spaced and separated from one another by one and half spaces. Graduated indentations should precede subordinate headings.
1.5 Lists of Tables and Figures (Optional)
A List of Tables gives the serial number, full title, and page number of every table included in the thesis. A List of Figures on a separate page following the List of Tables gives the same information for each figure, chart, and illustration.
2 Text
2.1 Headings
Headings and subheadings should appear in bold type with initial capitals flush with the left margin.
2.2 Paper
Use only A4 white paper of good quality and leave sufficient margins (top: 2.54 cm; bottom: 2.54 cm; left: 3.5 cm; right: 2.54 cm).
2.3 Type
The typefaces (fonts) used must be kept consistent throughout the thesis. (English) and 宋体 五号(Chinese) are to be used for the main text.
The first line of each paragraph should begin with an indentation of The main text should be should be used for block quotations and illustrative examples. Additional spacing precedes and follows headings.
2.4 Pagination