rendering. These libraries support force rendering for a large range of hepatic hardware. Fortunately, due to the modularity of our implementation, only the interactive hepatic rendering component need be altered for these changes. In addition to support multiple hardware platforms, a user interface component which allows the selection and configuration of hepatic devices will be important. Most likely, this will be added as part of the user preferences panel in blender.
Adding support for hepatic devices as part of editing tasks is also a planned feature. This will allow the modeler to modify the shape, location, and other properties on in-scene objects. For example, the sculpting mode in Blender allows a user to manipulate the geometry of a 3D object using natural interface, similar to reshaping a piece of clay. HAMLAT will build on this technology by allowing the modeler to manipulate the virtual clay using high DOF hepatic interfaces.
摘要-在本文中,我们目前的工作是拓展一个众所周知的三维图形建模-搅拌机,来支持触觉建模和绘制。这种延长搅拌机命名为HAMLAT(触觉应用标记语言创作工具) 。我们描述修改和添加搅拌器的源代码,其中已使用创造HAMLAT此外,我们提出和讨论设计的决定时所用的发展中的HAMLAT, 也是一个“路线图”的实施 ,其中描述了搅拌器的源代码的改变。最后,我们的结论是讨论我们未来的发展及研究途径。
关键词-触觉,HAM,图形建模,搅拌器, 虚拟环境。
A. 动机
此外,一个缺少应用可能性,因为应用是紧耦合到特定的装置必须使用其相应的空气污染指数。因此,设备和空气污染指数的异质性,导致两个研究人员和开发人员分裂和迷失方向。在检查所有需要考虑的事时,有对创作工具明确的需要,可以建立触觉的应用, 也可以隐藏在应用程序建模的编程(如空气污染指数,装置,或虚拟模型) 。