then decodes the data and associates the node Format property bin with the data so that any time a Get command on the Format property of this Node is executed, the response MUST be bin.
In effect, the binary data exists as binary on the server, and is processed as binary on the client. It MAY be only temporarily encoded in Base64 if it needs to be sent over XML. When binary data is sent over WBXML:
the Meta Format MUST be bin,if the Base64 encoding is not used, the Meta Format MUST be b64,if the Base64 encoding is used.
In either case, the Base64 encoding is used only during transport. The Management Tree property Format MUST be bin.for this data.
7.7.3 Name
This property reflects the name of the Node to which it belongs. This is the name by which the Node is addressed in the Management Tree. The Name property is a string with a maximum length that is defined in ./DevDetail/URI/MaxSegLen as described in [DMSTDOBJ].
When a new Node is created, the value of the Name property MUST be assigned with the value of last segment in the Target URI.
This property supports the Replace command. When a Replace command for this property is received by the device, it
MUST first check that the result of the command does not lead to an inconsistent tree, e.g. duplicate Node names, before the command is executed. Since it is only the last segment of the current Node’s URI that is changed, the search for possible duplicate names can be limited to the siblings of the current Node.
7.7.4 Size
The Size property is used for the current size of the Node value. The property value is a 32 bit unsigned integer.
The value of the Size property MUST be equal to the size of the Node value in bytes and the client is responsible to do that. Note that the Size property of a binary data value MUST indicate the size in bytes of the actual (unencoded) value, and NOT the length of a Base64 encoded string that may or may not have been used to convey the data over XML.
Also note that the Meta Size tag used in conveying data always indicates the size of the data in the message. If the message is in XML and the data is binary, then the data will be encoded. Consequently, the Meta Size of data that is encoded as b64 is the length of the Base64 encoded string.
7.7.5 Title
The Title property is used to store a human readable, alphanumeric string that provides some information about the Node to which this property belongs. The Title property is a string with a maximum length of 255 bytes.
7.7.6 TStamp
This property is a record of the date and time of the last change in value of the Node which has this property. The value is represented by a string containing a UTC based, [ISO8601] basic format, complete representation of a date and time value, e.g. 20010711T163817Z means July 11, 2001 at 16 hours, 38 minutes and 17 seconds.
7.7.7 Type
The Type property is inspired by the concept of typed data in programming languages. For leaf objects, the Type property describes the kind of data stored as the object’s value. For interior objects, the Type property identifies the collection rooted at that Interior Node.