The ALLADIN Diagnostic Device:
An Innovative Platform for Assessing Post-Stroke Functional Recovery 543 The aim of the s tudy is to identify if there are s ignificant links between the recovery that occurs pos t s troke as meas ured by the diagnos tic device and this recovery as measured by clinical scales and natural language descriptions. As described in section
s ix different ADL ta
with a varying complexity were u
ed for F/T
The data acquisition followed a detailed protocol (Van Vaerenbergh et al., 2004). For each tas k, the patient watches a video s howing the movement (recording #1). Secondly he is as ked to mentally imagine and reproducing it with open eyes (recording #2). Finally, for three times he actually tries to perform it, exerting the forces at a comfortable level (recording #3, recording #4 and recording #5).
Fig. 3. Devices for measurements on the upper limbs and lower limbs. Left: the Arm Device (7) and the Finger Device (8). Right: the Foot Device (6).
3.5 The ALLADIN soft w are
This s ection pres ents in detail the functional and technical s pecifications and the des ign approach of the software of the diagnostic device and describes the implementation of the different software modules as well as for their integration.
A general architecture of the diagnostic device software has been defined according to the functional s pecifications of the diagnos tic device defined reported in previous s ection, and als o taking into account the additional information provided through a close collaboration with end users (i.e., clinicians and physiotherapists) on this specific topic (Figure 4).
Specifications of the Databas e Module were given us ing the UML (Cantor, 1998) notation and diagrams in order to provide a definition of the functionality of this module which can be eas ily interpreted both by the s oftware developers and by the clinicians. UML notation was als o us ed to define the interface between the Cover Application (CA) module and the Databas e (DB) module. All other modules, i.e. Data acquisition (DAQ), Data viewer, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), were described by us ing s impler notations, s uch as flowcharts or direct pres entation of the low level functions definition.