6)if you put it that way^^^
7)i will spend a lot too.....
8)that't true
9)i just don't feel like it
10)let's go see the movie then
3/16 baa
8/16 bcacc
9/16 baab
9/16 3123
9/16 sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media you've got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly frankly win without you
1A/5 cacaa
1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about it serial number is gone Oh man 800
2A/5 acba
2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe 3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a
4/5 baaab
5/5 1)can I ask you to take a
2)I have to take care of
3)I'm tied uo at the moment
4)Would you mind if
5)Can you please check
6)OK,no problem
7)please fill this form
3/16 dda
8/16 bacaacb
9/16 1321
9/16 Keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You've got to admit missing something as they seem in this case too trusting
skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color my judgment let me down won't be sorry
1A/5 CBCAC (已修正,由Tracy提供,表示感谢 )
1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irreponsibly their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy
2A/5 bdaec