the relations of production, as well as in the economic base and the superstructure
人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾这一社会主要矛盾 Chinese society's principal problem/challenge is the gap between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and the low level of social production
当前我国发展的阶段性特征 the salient features of the current stage of development in China
妄自菲薄 belittle oneself
自甘落后 be resigned to backwardness
脱离实际、急于求成 unrealistic pursuit of quick results
共同建设、共同享有的原则 the principle of all the people building a harmonious ...and enjoy its benefits
着力解决人民最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题 spare no effort to solve most practical problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the people
cultivate/foster an environment in which all people do their best, are content with their lives/enjoy what they do and live together in harmony
提高改革决策的科学性,增强改革措施的协调性 make decision-making more scientific and measures of reform better coordinated