2.Check up the homework in last period.
Step 2 Vocabulary and Listening
1.Activity1 on P35
Check the meaning of the words.Ask some students to say which things they eat at a festival.
2.Activity2 on P35
Find the things in the box in Activity1.Call back the answers and explain if necessary.
【Pay attention to Learning to learn.】
*3.Activity3 on P35
This part can be omitted for our students.
4.Activity4 on P36
Listen to the tape to get the main idea and try to match the names of the festivals with the photos;Explain the main idea of the listening material briefly and call back the answers.
5.Activity5 on P36
Listen to the tape for the second time to get more details and try to complete the table;Compare the answers and explain if necessary.Listen for the third time to check the answers.
6.Activity6 on P36
Read through the questions to understand;Listen for the fourth time to answer the questions;Compare the answers and explain if necessary;Listen for the fifth time to check the answers.
*7.Activity7 on P36
This part can be omitted for our students.
【Mardi Gras】油腻星期二
在基督徒的世界里,从复活节前第七个星期三起,到复活节前夕的40天是封斋期。既然随后要斋戒那么长的时间,之前当然要大吃大喝、狂欢胡闹一番。斋戒前最后的一个星期二被称作“油腻星期二(Fat Tuesday)”。Mardi Gras在法语中的意思就是“油腻星期二”。 MARDI GRAS油腻的礼拜二,天主教节日。MARDI GRAS是法语,直译为“油腻的礼拜二”,也称为“忏悔礼拜二”,是大斋期之前狂欢节的最后一天。许多天主教国家庆祝这一节日。法国移民将这一节日引进美国。路易斯安那州的新奥尔良以及法国尼斯、巴西里约热内卢是庆祝着仪节日的最有名的三个城市,庆祝的方式有露天表演、彩车游行和化装舞会。
【Notting Hill】诺丁山/诺丁希尔 诺丁山(Notting Hill)是英国伦敦西区地名,靠近海德公园西北角,这是一个世界各地居民混居区域,以一年一度的嘉年华会著称。另外《诺丁山》(英语:Notting Hill)是一部1999年的英国电影,由罗杰·米契(Roger Michell)执导,茱莉亚·罗伯茨及休·格兰特主演,其他演员包括亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)等。首映在1999年7月。
慕尼黑盛产啤酒,人们惯称慕尼黑为啤酒之都。对慕尼黑人来说不可一日无啤酒,人均饮用量世界第一。慕尼黑啤酒节(Oktoberfest)是慕尼黑民间的传统节日。在德语中,这个节日的本意为“十月节”,节日活动也不单纯只有啤酒一项。也许慕尼黑的啤酒太有名了,这个节日也就被外人叫作啤酒节了。慕尼黑人可能只知有个十月节,不知有个啤酒节。不过,目前啤酒的确是这个节日的主角。在每年9月倒数第二个周六,在勒吉安维塞广场(Theresienwiese简称Wiesen)举行官方的啤酒节开幕典礼。 Step 3 Everyday English
Read through the given information to understand and try to choose the correct meaning of the words and phrases.Call back the answers and explain if necessary.【Ref:Notes to the text】
Step 4 Summary and Homework
1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period.
2.Homework: Activity2 on P85 in workbook.