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课 题 类 型: 设计□ 实验研究□ 论文□

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学 号: 指 导 教 师:

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201 年 月 日









此次设计是采用8051单片机作为主控芯片,设计一款酒精测试仪, 用C语言编写主控芯片的控制程序,再结合外围电路,使酒精测试仪可键盘输入。通过酒精浓度的输入,进行响应的电路报警。




二、毕业设计(论文)研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述) 研究现状:
















2、重点与难点(此部分要求条理清晰,分一,二,三 等小点描述清楚,以及解决途径)





【1】岳睿 .呼吸式酒精传感器的研究进展【J】.化学传感器,2006(3):6-9。







【8】何希才《常用集成电路实用实例》 电子工业出版社,2007


【10】马中梅《单片机C语言程序设计》北京航空航天大学出版社,2007 外文文献



AT89CX051微控制器的模拟-数字变换器应用 Atmel AT89C1051和AT89C2051微控制器是具有低引脚数和宽工作电压范围的单片闪光器(Flash)和不可缺少的比较器。这篇应用手册描述了这两种低成本的数字化变换技术。它们被用于Atmel AT89C1051和AT89C2051微控制器的比较器中。 RC 模拟数字变换器

这种变换方法组成简单,但准确性下降和变换时间长。在下列提到的例子中,分辨率超过50毫伏,准确性低于0.1volt或是更少。变换时间为7毫秒或是更少 如图一所示,如果采用RC模拟数字转换方法只需要一个AT89CX051微控制器,两个电阻器和一个电容器。微控制器的输出(11脚)大约从零和VCC间变化。它交替为电容充放电。这个电容器与内部比较器的非反向输入相连(12脚)。微控制器计算电容器电压达到与内部变换比较器输入电压的时间。比较器电压要和未知输入电压相匹配(13脚)。未知电压是所测时间的函数。

在图一中HP5082-7300 LED 所显示不需要变化,但是要用软件来实现简单二进制电压作用。模数变换器在两个显示屏上显示伏特和0.1伏特。电压分辨率不利用RC转换软件的判别,它在提供调试工具的同时也给出了一个方法。


下列指数方程中,电容器的电压是时间的函数:VC VCC(1 e t/RC) 其中VC是t时刻的电容器电压,VCC是给定电压,RC是电容器和电阻器值的乘积。电压单位为伏,时间单位为秒。电阻为欧姆,电容为法拉。乘积RC为时间恒量,影响网络的波形。当电容器充放电开始时波形最陡,并随时间变化。不能用浮点计算和超函数来求解指数方程是RC变换方法的首要问题。在一个压缩的时间范围里,指数曲线呈现远远超出其宽度的陡升趋势,近似为垂线。曲线在横向的持续变化超过了横向变化,产生了很大的误差。是这种方法失败的原因。而且它不能解决曲线在渐近线VCC附近剧烈震动的问题。如果每一次取样时间间隔里使用查表绘出计算初值,微型控制器不需要适时解决指数方程。这种方法在简化变换软件时,可以根据应用需要把数据编码和格式化。可能使数据对称以减小表的大小。






图四是电压和原点附近采样时间关系放大图。在图中, V是变换器达到所需分辨率的所需电压。 t是先前所定的采样间隔。曲线坐标VC表示电容电压,在曲线中呈直线。在图中,由于采样在电压间隔中心进行,所以曲线的斜面是理想的。实际可能要小一些。也有可能大。或者分辨率会减小。将采样时间间隔从原点偏移1/2t以后,其中心点对应第一次电压间隔采样点。

为了求得第一次采样所需斜面,要获得时间恒量的最小值,解方程一得RC RC t/ln(1 VC/VCC)

然后设 V为所需分辨率得最小值(0.05volt),时间为先前确定的采样间隔(5毫秒)。在第一个采样点 V=1/2计算RC。其中VC=1/2 V,t=1/2 t

RminCmin( 1/2) t (1/2)(5 10 8) 4.99 10 4 ln[1 ( 1/2 V)/VCCIn[1 (1/2)(0.05)/VCC




-4 恒量大约5.02*10





电容器充放电所需的时间通过计算电容电压从渐近线上升到最小可晰电压间隔一半所需的时间来近似得到。波形的充电部分,渐近线在VCC。由于波形的对称,定值同时用在周期充电和放电部分。解方程1得到时间:t RC In(1 VC/VCC)


tmax RmaxCmax In(1 (VCC 0.025)/VCC

由方程三: (Rnorm 1%)(Cnorm 5%)In(0.026/VCC)

(1.01)(267 103)(1.05)(2.10 9)In(0.025/5.0) 3ms


tmax RmaxCmax In(1 (1/2)VCC/VCC

从方程 3 (Rnorm 1%)(Cnorm 5%)In(1/2)

(1.01)(267 103)(1.05)(2.10 9)In(1/2)

393 s

半周期最小采样数为:tmax/ t (393 10)/(5 10) 79


查表包含软件一个专门值。它和每次采样计算电压值相对应。对每半个周期,平台第N个值对应t=(N-1) t时的电压。 t是先前确定的采样间隔。对充电半周期,通过求解方程一得到电容器开始充电起消耗时间,来求得每次采样的电压。对放电半周期,通过求解下列方程得到电容器开始放电起消耗时间,求得每次采样电压。VC VCC e t/RC 6 6


放电半周期采样对应电压通过在方程4中用N t代替 tt计算。其中N表示采












这种转换方法虽然增加元件数但提高了分辨率和准确性。并缩短了转换时间。 连续近似(sa)ADCs结合一个数字模拟转换器,一个比较器和一个连续近似电阻(SAR)当反馈DAC 时,SAR通过执行二进制代码的搜索,将产生与电压相配的输出。比较器比较DAC未知电压和输出,并返回SAR的结果。






DAC包含二进制加权,用的二进制代码检测输入电流的电流导引开关。 输入电流由LM336-2. 5精密电压参考源和一台连续电阻器得到。 按比例绘制的当前输出变为一操作放大器电压,作为一电流对电压( I/ V)变换器。LF355B选做电流电压变化器。 因为变换器有低的输入补偿电压和高的输出旋转比率, 电流电压变换器的输出被送入AT89CX051 比较器,和未知的电压比较。 当被编译电压超过未知的电压时,比较器的输出变大,这被软件检测。 第2个在一个非反向运算放大器,统一获得缓冲区可能被在未知的电压源和提供间隔的AT89CX051 比较器输入之间插入一个统一缓冲区。 LM336-2.5 参考提供名义上的2.490伏特的输出(Vref)。 实际电压可能从2.390伏特变化到2.590伏特。在LM336-2. 5数据表里表明的方法使基准电压和温度系数相平衡。 连接DAC的14脚的当前参考电阻器(Rref) 的额定值是1240欧姆, 产生一个2.490 V / 1240欧姆(Vref/Rref)= 2.008 milliamps的参考电流(Iref)。 在DACscales lref用8比特从0/256到255/256二进制编码,输出结果从零到(Io)(Iref 0/256)到2.000 mA(Iref 255/256)。 记下到DAC输出电流的信号是和参考(输入)电流的信号相对。 输出电压由DAC输出电流( Io)以i/ V变换器的值得乘积来确定。 表面 输出电压是2.000 mA.2500欧(Io F. S;Ro)= 5.000伏。

电路不提供补偿调整。由于LF355B运算放大器振幅有较低偏移电压,所以偏移电压不需要调整。如果偏移电压要调整, 增加补偿在LF355B数据表内加入了电路偏移修正。随着I/V变换器获得电阻器值的改变,结果可能变化。 电阻器连接非反向运算放大器的输入应该具有相同值以作为获得电阻器与输入偏移电流平衡。 1240欧电阻器连接 DAC的脚15 ,2500欧电阻器和运算放大器脚3 连接可能相抵消,性能稍微下降。 MC1408-8DAC需要提供+5.0- 5.0的电源; 选择±5.0伏使功耗减到最小。 LF355B运算放大器需要提供±5. 0伏和±15伏双极的电源。为与DAC兼容选择-0.5v为负极,也可根据需要用-15v代替。正极电源可选择+15v,这样可限制运算放大器输出的抖动,达到比较器输出限制5v以上。

A到D变换的速度受DAC输出设定时间,运算放大器的旋转速度和设定时间,比较器响应时间和旋转速度和执行连续近似算法所需时间的限制。DAC输出设定时间和比较器执行SA算法所需的响应时间是可以忽略的。从输入到运算放大器最大电压是5 伏, 需要一微秒旋转时间和( 看LF355B数据表)4 微秒的停滞时间。 这种延迟在软件里适用; 参考附加信息的目录。 一台12 MHz 处理器时钟和一微秒指令周期的输出结果,8 位的变换可以在被300微秒内进行。 未知输入电压在变化时必须保持不变的量。 这里提出的逐步近似法模数转换器的明显缺陷是需要双极的电源和大量微控制器I/O 脚来控制DAC。 +15伏特电源可能通过一个带单独的电源的LF355B运算放大器代替,单独的电压源为5v,作用和在标记摆动的输出等同。控制DAC的微控制器I/O脚的数量可以通过用7或6位的DAC代替来减少。 并行输入DAC可被连续的DAC输入替换(更昂贵)。 交替,逻辑交替的加入以接收微控制器的连续数据和DAC当前并行数据。 这应用软件可能从Atmel的BBS 下载获得: (408)436-4309. 请在源代码文件的开始时参见意见块以获得关于特征和操作的详




附录2 外文文献

Analog-to-Digital Conversion Utilizing the

AT89CX051 Microcontrollers

The Atmel AT89C1051 and AT89C2051.microcontrollers feature on-chip Flash,low pin count, wide operating voltage,range and an integral analog comparator.This application note describes two low-cost analog-to-digital conversiontechniques which utilize the analog comparato r in the AT89C1051 and AT89C2051 microcontrollers.

RC Analog-to-Digital Converter

This conversion method offers. An extremely low component count at the expense of accuracy and conversion time. In the example presented below,resolution is better than 50 millivolts, accuracy is somewhat less than a tenth of a Volt and conversion time is seven milliseconds or less.

As shown in Figure 1, the RC analog-todigital. conversion method requires only two resistors and a capacitor in addition to the AT89CX051 microcontroller. A microcontroller output (pin 11), which swings from approximately ground to VCC, alternately charges and discharges the capacitor connected to the

non-inverting input of the internal comparator (pin 12). The microcontroller measures the time required for the voltage on the capacitor to match the unknown voltage applied to the inverting input of the internal comparator (pin 13).The unknown voltage is a function of the measured time.

The HP5082-7300 LED displays shown in Figure 1 are not required for the conversion, but are utilized by the software to implement a simple two-digit voltmeter.The result of the analog-to-digital conversion is displayed in volts and tenths of a volt on the two displays. The voltmeter application does not utilize the full resolution of the RC conversion software,but serves to demonstrate the method as well as providing a tool for debug.

The waveformfor a typical capacitor charge/discharge cycle is shown in Figure2. The discharge portion of the curve is identical to the charge portion rotated about the line VC = VCC/2. The equations and discussion below apply to the charge portion of the cycle, except where indicated.

The voltage on the capacitoras a function of time is given by the exponential equation:

VC = VCC (1-e -t/RC) (1)

where VC is the voltage on the capacitor at time t, VCC is the supply voltage and RC is the product of the values of the resistor and capacitor. Note that voltage is expressed in Volts, time in seconds, resistance in Ohms and capacitance in Farads. The product RC is also known as the “time constant” of the network and affects the shape of the waveform. The waveform is steepest when capacitor charging or


discharging begins and flattens with time.

The first problem with the RC conversion method is the difficulty of solving the exponential equation without utilizing floating point calculations and

transcendental functions. On a compressed time scale, the exponential curve appears straight over much of its length, suggesting that it might be approximated by a line. This scheme fails due to the continuous variation in slope over the length of the curve, which produces significant error. It also does not address the problemwhere the curve rolls off severely near the asymptote at VCC.

The microcontroller need not solve the exponential equation in real time if a lookup table is used to map pre-calculated values to each sampled time interval. This scheme allows the data to be encoded and formatted as required by the application while simplifying the conversion software. Symmetries in the data may be exploited to reduce the size of the table.

The second problem with the RC conversion method is the substantial error which results from variations in component values. Figure 3 shows an exaggerated view of the variation in the voltage on the capacitor due to variations in the values of the resistor and capacitor. As shown in the figure, the variation in the voltage on the capacitor decreases as the voltage on the capacitor decreases.

The symmetry of the capacitor charge/discharge cycle can be exploited to reduce the effect of variations in component values on conversion accuracy. This is done by utilizing the charge portion of the cycle to measure voltages less than VCC/2 and the discharge portion to measure voltages greater than VCC/2. The worst case error is reduced to the error at VCC/2.

Before component values can be assigned, the time interval at which the

comparator output is to be sampled must be determined. The sample interval should be as short as possible to maximize converter resolution and minimize conversion


time. The sample interval is limited by the time required to execute the requisite code, which is determined by the clock rate of the microcontroller. In the voltmeter application, the microcontroller operates with a 12-MHz clock, resulting in a sample interval of five microseconds.

The time constant (RC) affects the shape of the capacitor charge/discharge waveform. The value of the time constant must be chosen so that the steepest parts of the waveform are resolvable to the desired resolution. The steepest part of the charge portion of the waveform occurs near the origin, while the steepest part of the discharge portion occurs near VCC. Due to the symmetry of the waveform, the same time constant may be used for measurements made on either portion of the waveform.

Figure 4 shows an expanded view of the relationship between voltage and sample time near the origin. In the figure, V is the desired voltage resolution of the converter and t is the sample interval determined previously. The curve labeled ’VC’ represents the voltage on the capacitor,

which appears linear at this scale. In the figure, the slope of the curve is ideal, causing sampling to occur near the center of the voltage intervals. The slope of the curve may be less than shown, but may not be greater, or resolution will be lost. Note that the first sample is offset from the origin by1/2 tto center the sample in the first voltage interval. To obtain the minimum value of the time constant which will produce the required slope at the first sample, solve Equation 1 for RC: RC = -t/1n(1-VC/VCC) (2)

Then set V to the minimum desired resolution (0.05-volt), t to the sample interval determined previously (five microseconds), and calculate RC at the first sample point, where

VC = 1/2 V and t = 1/2 t:

RminCmin( 1/2) t (1/2)(5 10 8) 4.99 10 4 ln[1 ( 1/2 V)/VCCIn[1 (1/2)(0.05)/VCC

The product of the values of R and C must not be less than the calculated minimum time constant. Utilizing a resistor with a one percent tolerance and a capacitor with a five percent tolerance

-4 (Rnorm-1%)(Cnorm-5%)>4.99*10

In the voltmeter application, the selected values of R and C are 267 kilohms and 2 nanofarads, respectively, yielding a minimum time constant of approximately 5.02 10-4. An additional constraint is placed on the value of R. Referring again to Figure 1, note the 5.1 kilohm pullup resistor

connected to pin 11 of the microcontroller. This resistor is present to supplement the microcontroller’s weak internal pullup, but has the detrimental effect of changing the time constant of the RC network during the charge portion of the capacitor charge/discharge cycle. This produces an asymmetry in the

charge/discharge waveform, which contributes to conversion error. To minimize the effect of differences in the capacitor charge and discharge paths, the value of R should be chosen to be much greater than the value of the pullup resistor. In the voltmeter application, the selected value of R is 267 kilohms, which exceeds the


value of the pullup resistor by more than an order of magnitude.

The time constant (RC), which is a function of the desired converter resolution, determines the duration of the capacitorcharge/discharge cycle. The more time required for the capacitor to charge and discharge, the greater the number of samples required in the measurement loop and the greater the number of entries in the lookup table.

Figure 2. Typical Capacitor Charge/DIscharge Cycle

Figure 3.

Capacitor Voltage Variation as a Function of RC Variation

Cto the symmetry of the capacitor charge/discharge waveform, the determined sample count may be used for measurements made during either portion of the cycle. From Equation 3:

tmax = -RmaxCmax ln(1-(1/2)VCC/VCC)

= -(Rnom+1%)(Cnom+5%)ln(1/2)

= -(1.01)(267 103)(1.05)(2 10-9)ln(1/2)

393 s.

The minimum number of samples for half the cycle is:

tmax/ t = (393 10-6)/(5 10-6) = 79

To maximize accuracy, voltages from zero to VCC/2 are measured during the charge portion of the capacitor charge/discharge cycle and voltages from VCC to VCC/2 are measured during the discharge portion of the cycle. As a result, the total number of entries in the table is twice the number of samples calculated previously for each half cycle. The lookup table contains application-specific values

corresponding to the calculated voltage at each sample. For each half cycle, the Nth entry in the table corresponds to the voltage at t = (N-1) t, where t is the sample interval determined previously. For the charge half cycle, the voltage at each sample is calculated by solving Equation 1 for the time elapsed since the capacitor began to charge. For the discharge half cycle, the voltage at each sample is calculated by solving the following equation for the time elapsed since the capacitor began to discharge:

VC = VCC e-t/RC (4)


The size and contents of the table may vary from application to application depending on the sample interval and conversion resolution. As the resolution increases, the number of entries in the table grows.

In the voltmeter application, with resolution equal to 0.05 Volt, the lookup table contains 158 entries, which is twice the number of samples per half cycle calculated above.

Voltages corresponding to samples taken during the charge half cycle are calculated by replacing ’t’ with ’N t’ in Equation 1, where N represents the sample number (0-78). By setting t equal to the sample interval of 5 microseconds, R to 267 kilohms, C to 2 nanofarads, and VCC to 5.00-volts, Equation 1 becomes: V = 5(1-e-N (.0093633))

Voltages corresponding to samples taken during the discharge half cycle are

calculated by replacing ’t’ with ’N t’ in Equation 4, where N represents the sample number (0-78). Using the same values as for the charge half cycle, Equation 4 becomes:

V = 5 e-N(.0093633))

An abbreviated list of the voltages calculated for the capacitor charge/discharge cycle is shown below. The ordering of the voltages, increasing in the first half, decreasing in the second, tracks the voltage on the capacitor and defines the ordering of the table entries.

N = 0 V= 0.000

N = 1 V= 0.047

. .

. .

. .

N = 74 V= 2.499

N = 75 V= 2.523

N = 76 V= 2.546

N = 77 V= 2.569

N = 78 V= 2.591

N = 0 V= 5.000

N = 1 V= 4.953

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