QQ: 1559022430(徐)1649574092(大强) 1737503498(陈) 719668910(梁)北大、人大、中财、北外、中传教授创办集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班
Outside Europe, the most important powers in 1939 were undoubtedly Japan and the United States. Japan was at the time already deeply involved in hostilities with China. After seizing the northern provinces of that country in 1931 and organizing them into the puppet state of Manchukuo, Japan had tried to protect its rich loot and to expand its influence in China by a series of interventions, particularly in the rest of northern China. These steps had not surprisingly produced a rising tide of anti-Japanese sentiments in China, which in turn led the Japanese to embroil themselves even more deeply into Chinese affairs. When this tendency to interfere in China was combined with a degree of internal confusion and incoherence within the Japanese government that made the Chinese warlords of the time look well organized, new trouble was almost certain to follow. (141 words)
Inflation: China’s least wanted export
When inflation starts to kill people then it is a serious problem. Three people died and 31 were injured on Saturday in a stampede to buy cut-price cooking oil in the western Chinese city of Chongqing. China can no longer explain away inflation as a short-term result of floods and epidemics of animal disease ? nor can it ignore the strains its macroeconomic policies are producing.
Cooking oil is a special case ? its price influenced by demand from China’s glut of new biofuel refineries ? but the broader price of food has risen in recent months by more than 15 per cent compared with a year earlier. Floods and other acts of God have had their effect, as has the global rise in wheat prices, but there are structural forces at work as well.
Nor is inflation confined to food any longer: producer prices are creeping up. The PPI for manufactured goods was up 3.2 per cent in October ? many steel products rose by more than 10 per cent ? and the PPI is likely to go even higher when the recent 10 per cent hike in the controlled pump price of diesel feeds through. Given the likelihood that more
state-controlled prices will have to rise, and given that the official inflation data do not properly capture important prices, such as the cost of education, the real situation may be even worse.
That is a worry for the rest of the world, used to enjoying the “China price”, a seemingly open-ended deflationary pressure on the world economy. The surge in Chinese inflation since June has barely fed through into export prices yet ? but it will. China’s currency has also been gently appreciating, but so far improvements in productivity have meant that Chinese manufacturers have not needed to raise export prices. If currency appreciation speeds up, that will change.
The renminbi may have to rise faster because the tools that China is using to tackle inflation have not worked. Bank reserve requirements were hiked again over the weekend, to 13.5 per cent, but the strain on the banking sector’s profitability will start to tell. Interest rates have risen repeatedly, but with CPI inflation above 6 per cent, and benchmark lending rates only slightly higher, real interest rates are low.
There must now be a low, but non-zero, probability that China opts for a one-off revaluation of the renminbi in order to ease its domestic monetary problems. That would be the right move. The adjustment would be easier both for China and for the rest of the world if the renminbi had not been kept so low for so long. But the pain of unwinding global imbalances will only get worse the longer they are left. (451 words)
所以,假如人们期望市场发挥其高效配置资源的功能,那就根本没有必要去操心成功的企业家退休之时如何安排企业的未来。反正财富、资源是要向具有 企业家精神的人手里集中的,只要市场是自由的,这种趋势无人能够改变。那么,对社会来说,最重要的事情是设计种种健全的制度,让那些不具有企业家精神的人 可以方便地将其资源控制交给富有企业家精神的人,而企业家只要可以充分发挥其企业家精神、其财产权得到切实保障,自然可以发现、创造出这些制度来。(680字)
2013年,38人夏季集训营20人考上北大,人大,清华,复旦四所名校。 2013年,36天隋Jia lun三跨学生考上北京师范大学。
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