psychologist working
at British Columbia’s
Children’s Hospital
and in private practice
in Vancouver.
David Worling PhD
David is a clinical
psychologist working
in private practice in
E. Jane Garland
M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)
Jane is a psychiatrist
with a Mood/Anxiety
Disorders Clinic who
does research at
the University of
British Columbia on
the treatment of
mood problems.
Dealing with Depression is based on the experience of the authors and on scientific research
about which strategies work best in overcoming depression. Also, because strategies useful for
adults may not be useful for adolescents, depressed and non-depressed teens helped in the
development of this guide.
Dealing with Depression is intended for:
* teens with depressed mood
* concerned adults who want to help a depressed teen
* other teens who want to help a friend or family member
This guide is meant to provide teens with accurate information about depression. It is not a
psychological or medical treatment, and is not a replacement for treatment where this is needed. If
expert assistance or treatment is needed, the services of a competent professional should be