of the Great Plains of the American West.
21。Colorado has been called the steel city of the west ,Denver is the largest city of the Great Plains.科罗拉多市被称作“西部钢城”,丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。
22。the largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau.
23。Mmauna Loa,the world's largest volcano,is located on Haiwaii and erupts from time to time,Suger cane and pineapples anr Haiwaii's main crops.Tourism is Haiwaii's most important industry.莫纳洛阿火山是世界最大和活火山,甘蔗和菠罗是夏威夷的两大作物,旅游业是夏威夷最重要的产业。
24。Honolulu is the capital of Haiwaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska.
英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 14
chapter 14(14章)population.Race and Ethnic groups 必背细节
1.The United States of the American is the third most populous county in the world after Chind and India.美国是世界人口第三大国,仅次于中国和印度。
2。Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth,The United States has a more or less open-door policy to immigtants from independence until 1960s.Ellis Island of New York was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890s and at the turn of the century.19世纪末20世纪初,纽约的埃利斯岛是一个重要的移民入境接待点。
3。Almost 20 million people or 7.8% of the total population were immigrants in 1992.Between 80% and 90% of immigration to the United States now is from Asian and Hispanic countries.如今美国移民的80%到90%主要来源于亚洲和拉美国家。
4。Arizona,Nevada,and Florida have been the fastest growing states in population for the last 20 years.在过去的二十年里,亚利桑那,内华达和佛罗里达是人口增长最快的州。
5。The first immigrants in the American history cane from England and Netherlands.
6。The first of these immigration waves in the mid-1810s and reached the highest point in 1845.The second wave covered the period between 1860 and 1890. The largest of the three immigration wave in American was from 1890-1914.三次移民浪潮中最大的一次是1890-1914年。
7.One in five American moves to a new home every year seeking new job opportunity,a better climate of other goals.有1/5的美国人每年搬一次家。
the Frist 1865-1880 east coast ------west
the Second 1980-1920 rural areas ------cities
the Third 1920
----1960 the south/black people ----other areas
the fourth 1960-now Northeast /Central-N----the West/the South
9。A large number of blank peo