GB0-380+V11.02 500题库
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65.H3CA. 10 B. 100 C. 150 D. 255 Answer: B 66.
A. RIP-1 B. RIP-2 C. OSPF D. BGP Answer: BCD
A. MSR-Ethernet1/1] ip fast-forwarding inbound MSR-Ethernet1/2] ip fast-forwarding inbound B. MSR-Ethernet1/1] ip fast-forwarding outbound MSR-Ethernet1/2] ip fast-forwarding outbound
C. MSR-Ethernet1/1]undo ip fast-forwarding inbound MSR-Ethernet1/2]undo ip fast-forwarding inbound D. MSR-Ethernet1/1]undo ip fast-forwarding outbound MSR-Ethernet1/2]undo ip fast-forwarding outbound Answer: D 68.