1. [A]. under [B]. over [C]. in [D]. along
2. [A] perform [B]. complicate [C]. accept [D]. impose
3. [A]. forbidding [B]. challenging [C]. pleasing [D]. menacing
4. [A]. Before [B]. Since [C]. Until [D]. As
5. [A]. been called [B]. having called [C]. calling [D]. called
6. [A]. Armed with [B]. Devoted to [C]. Endorsed by [D]. Interested by
7. [A]. at [B]. to [C]. against [D]. with
8. [A]. agreed [B]. authoring [C]. allowed [D]. let
9. [A]. managing [B]. manageable [C]. managed [D]. managerial
10. [A]. They [B]. It [C]. These [D]. Those
11. [A]. why [B]. whether [C]. how [D]. when
12.[A]. Inherently [B]. Essentially [C]. Invariably [D]. Eventually
13. [A]. integrity [B]. personality [C]. intelligence [D]. instinct
14. [A]. banks [B]. places [C]. establishments [D]. locations
15. [A]. humanitarian [B]. humanistic [C]. humane [D]. humanlike
16. [A]. medical [B]. spatial [C]. financial [D]. educational
17. [A]. covert [B]. control [C]. consult [D]. contradict
18. [A]. Alike [B]. Similar [C]. Akin [D]. Simulated
19. [A]. reverse [B]. follow [C].manipulate [D]. predict
20. [A]. areas [B]. portions [C]. ranges [D]. parts
V. Paraphrase. (30 points)
1. As with all his great novels, Tess of the D’Urbervilles reflects Hardy‘s love of the Wessex
3. Someday, there may well be a similar memorial to the unfulfilled prophecies of the creators of the latest put, the ultimate promise is this: a huge amount of information available to anyone at the touch of a button, everything from airline schedules to esoteric scientific journals to video versions of off-off-off Broadway.
4. Modern linguistics gets its charter from Leonard Bloomfield‘s Language (1933). for
thirteen years professor of Germanic philology at the University of Chicago and for nine years professor