先生,从发球台到沙池是一百八十码。 Sir,to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards. 你的球在右手边的球车路上。 Your ball is on the path on the right hand side. 你的球进了长草区,你想再发一个吗? Your ball is in the rough. DO you want to play another ball. 先生,请你走上去看一看左手边的水塘。 Sir,please walk up and see the pond on the left hand side. 先生,从这里到水塘是一百五十码。 Sir, from here it is one hundred and fifty yards to the water 从这里到那一个沙池是一百八十码。 From here to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards. 你要我做什么: What would you like me do for you? 我在推杆果岭等你: I’ll wait for you at the putting green 我很高兴做你的球童: I’m very glad to be your caddy 欢迎到我们的球会: Welcome to our club 现在几点: What time is it? 我是你的球童: I’m your caddy 六点半: It’s half past six 先生,你有14支杆: Sir,you have fourteen clubs 我只懂一点点英语: I just know a little English