vSphere 5.5最新资料
What’s New in VMware vSphere 5.5 Platform
Graphic Acceleration for Linux Guests
With vSphere 5.5, graphic acceleration is now possible for Linux guest OSs. Leveraging a GPU on a vSphere host can help improve the performance and scalability of all graphics-related operations. In providing this support, VMware also is the first to develop a new guest driver that accelerates the entire Linux graphics stack for modern Linux distributions. VMware also is contributing 100 percent of the Linux guest driver code back to the open-source community. This means that any modern GNU/Linux distribution can package the VMware guest driver and provide out-of-the-box support for accelerated graphics without any additional tools or package installation.
The following Linux distributions are supported:
• Ubuntu: 12.04 and later
• Fedora: 17 and later
• RHEL 7
With the new guest driver, modern Linux distributions are enabled to support technologies such as
the following:
• OpenGL 2.1
• DRM kernel mode setting
• Xrandr
• XRender
• Xv
Figure 4.
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