Android system NFC framework introduction and develop guide
To filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents, declare the intent filter along with the type of data that you want to filter for. The following example filters for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents with a MIME type of text/plain:
The following example filters for a URI in the form of
If your activity filters for the ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent, you must create an XML
resource file that specifies the technologies that your activity supports within a tech-list set. Your activity is considered a match if a tech-list set is a subset of the technologies that are supported by the tag, which you can obtain by calling getTechList().
For example, if the tag that is scanned supports MifareClassic, NdefFormatable, and NfcA, your tech-list set must specify all three, two, or one of the technologies (and nothing else) in order for your activity to be matched.
The following sample defines all of the technologies. You can remove the ones that you do not need. Save this file (you can name it anything you wish) in the <project-root>/res/xml folder.