end process;
process(clk25M) --行显示 begin if (clk25M'event and clk25M = '1') then if hcnt < h_data then henable <= '1'; else henable <= '0'; end if; end if; end process;
process(clk25M) --列显示 begin if (clk25M'event and clk25M = '1') then if vcnt < v_data then venable <= '1'; else venable <= '0'; end if; end if; end process;
process(clk25M,henable,venable) --几种显示模式 begin
if (clk25M'event and clk25M = '1') then if(henable='1' and venable='1') then if sw0 = '0' and sw1 = '0' then --64 color rdata <= sw7 ; gdata <= sw5 ; bdata <= sw3 ; lrdata <= sw6; lgdata <= sw4 ; lbdata <= sw2 ; else if sw1 = '0' and sw0 = '1' then --竖条纹 rdata <= hcnt(9); gdata <= hcnt(8); bdata <= hcnt(7); lrdata <= hcnt(6); lgdata <= hcnt(5); lbdata <= hcnt(4);