I. 单选:
1. The sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society is
called ________.
A. sociolinguistics B. neurolinguistics
C. macrolinguistics D. microlinguistics
2. Which of the followings doesn t belong to dialectal varieties? _______.
A. regional dialect B. sociolect C. idiolect D. diglossia
3. The dialect which is caused by social status is ________.
A. regional dialect B. sociolect C. idiolect D. diglossia
4. Standard dialect is _________.
A. designated as the official or national language of a country
B. a dialect a child acquires naturally like his regional dialect
C. used by people who speak different languages for restricted purpose
D. used by people who belong to the higher social status
5. Sometimes, two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play. This phenomenon is _____.
A. bilingualism B. diglossia C. pidgin D. creole
6. Which of the followings does NOT constitute the reason for regional dialect?
A. Geographical barrier.
B. Loyalty to one s native speech.
C. The existence of standard dialect.
D. Physical and psychological resistance to change.
7. A speaker uses the Standard English dialect when interacting with strangers, and