you think the sentence contains no error, skip directly to B.
An Example to Sample
Here’s what an Improving Sentences question looks like:
Jenna was awarded the medal not for her academic success or her skill (A) but for her being a participant in gym class
(B) the reason being for her participation in gym class
(C) the reason was her participating in gym class
(D) but for her being participation-willing in gym class
(E) but for her participation in gym class
The Good News . . . and the Good News
On this section, as on the other sections, grammar terminology is not tested. Neither is spelling. Mastering this section does not require you to memorize a huge amount of material or learn a ton of new concepts. You’ll see questions onthe passive voice, run-on sentences, and misplaced modifiers. You’ll probably also encounter a few questions on parallelism, conjunctions, fragments, and gerunds. Although some of the material in this chapter is new, you’ll notice thatthe SAT tests many of the same grammar rules in this section that we alreadycovered back in the Identifying Sentence Errors chapter.
An Eight-Step Strategy
All the self-help books these days have a twelve-step process to kick the habit.Improving Sentences are four steps easier to handle. Here are the eight steps:
Read the sentence and try to hear the problem.
If you find an error, eliminate A.