the gentleman of leisure.引人注目地挥霍贵重财物是有闲绅士取得名声的手段。We have no more
right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.我们
consultancy ☜⏹♦✈●♦☜⏹♦♓(顾问工作;咨询业)←consult+ancy名词后缀;consult(v.
为consultation←consult+ation名词后缀。Well, one can always consult a man and ask him: "Would
you like your head cut off tomorrow?" and after he has said: "I would rather not", cut it off.
Consultation is a vagues and elastic term.是的,什么时候都可以跟一个人商量,问他:“你愿意
的词。←这是英国老流氓丘吉尔说的,意思是:既然不愿意明天砍头,那么就在今天砍吧。GDP(国民生产总值)即Gross Domestic Product。
OECD(经济合作与发展组织)即Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development。
estimate ♏♦♦♓❍♏♓♦(v.n.估计,估价)。True modesty does not consist in an ignorance of our merits, but in a due estimate of it.真正的谦虚不在于对自己的长处一无所知,而在于对它们的恰
excess( ♏♦♏♦ ⏹过量 ♓♦♏♦ ♋额外的)即ex+cess,ex-前缀“出”,cess词根“走”,故“走到范围之外的”→过量的;动词形式为exceed(超过)←ex+ceed走。
The best things carried to excess are wrong.最好的东西超过限度也会变坏。He is poor whose
expenses exceed his income.开支超过收入的人就是穷人。
sizable ♦♋♓☜♌●/ (相当大的)←siz(e)+able;size(大小,尺寸)。You can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that make him mad.根据使一个人发怒的事情的大小,可以判断这个人的
significant ♦♓♈⏹♓♐♓☜⏹♦/ (有意义的;重要的)即signify(y变形为i)表示+cant形容词后缀,“值得表示的”→有意义的;signify即sign+ify,sign标记,-ify动词后缀,“作标记”
→表示。An art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy.艺术作品只有在所有人都
可以欣赏时才是伟大的、重要的。Love has various lodgings; the same word does not always
signify the same thing.爱拥有形形色色的住所,同一个词不总是意味着同样的东西。
2002 Text 4
suicide ♦◆♓♦♋♓♎(v.n.自杀)即sui+cide,sui词根=self,cide词根“切”=cut,于是“拿刀切自己”→自杀。Every suicide is a solution to a problem.每件自杀都是对一个问题的解决。
suicide — the only perfect crime that remains unpunished 自杀——唯一不受惩罚的完美罪行。constitutional ⏹♦♦♓♦◆☞☜⏹☜●(构成的;体质的;宪法的)即con+stitut(e)+ion+al,con-前缀“一起”,stitute词根“建立”,-ion名词后缀,-al形容词后缀;名词形式为constitution
(构成;体质;宪法)←con+stitut(e)+ion;动词为constitute(构成)←con+stitute。Why is woman
persistently regarded as a mystery? It is not that she has labored to conceal the organic and
psychological facts of her constitution, but that men have showed no interest in exploring them.为什
人从来就没有对探索这些事实表现过兴趣。The two powers which in my opinion constitute a wise
man are those of bearing and forbearing.在我看来,造就智者的两种力量是忍受和克制。principle ☐❒♓⏹♦☜☐●(原理;信念)可把princi看作print(印刷),ple看作“倍数”(如quadruple、triple,参2002年Text 3),于是“反反复复印刷的东西”→原理(联想:地下党反复印刷革命
刊物宣传马克思主义原理)。When a fellow says, "It isn't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.当一个人说“这不是钱的问题而是原则问题”时,那就是钱的问题。