二零零九至二零一零学年第 二 学期期 末 考试
课程成绩构成:平时 20 分, 期中 20 分, 实验 0 分, 期末 60 分
一、To fill your answers in the blanks(1’×25)
1. If [X]10= - 110, then [X]two's-complement=[ 10010010 ]2,
[X]one's-complement=[ 10010001 ]2. (Assumed the number system is 8-bit long) 2. Performing the following number system conversions: A. [10101100]2=[ 000111010010 ]2421
B. [1625]10=[
0100100101011000 ]excess-3
10011000 ]8421BCD
C. [ 1010011 ]GRAY =[
3. If F A,B,C(1,2,3,6), then FD A,B,C( A,B,C(4. If the parameters of 74LS-series are defined as follows: VOLmax = 0.5 V, VOHmin = 2.7 V, VILmax = 0.8 V, VIHmin = 2.0 V, then the low-state DC noise margin is high-state DC noise margin is 5. Assigning 0 to Low and 1 to High is called positive logic. A CMOS XOR gate in positive logic is called gate in negative logic.
6. A sequential circuit whose output depends on the state alone is called a machine.
7. To design a "001010" serial sequence generator by shift registers, the shift register should need bit as least.
8. If we use the simplest state assignment method for 130 sates, then we need at least state variables.
9. One state transition equation is Q*=JQ'+K'Q. If we use D flip-flop to complete the equation, 10. Which state in Fig. 1 is ambiguous
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 12. If number [A]two's-complement =01101010 and [B]one's-complement =1001, calculate [A-B]two's-complement and indicate whether or not overflow occurs.(Assumed the number system is 8-bit long) [A-B]two's-complement overflow 13. If a RAM’s capacity is 16K words × 8 bits, the address inputs should be bits; We need 8 bits RAM to form a 16 K 32 bits ROM.. 14. Which is the XOR gate of the following circuit .
15. There are n-n invalid states in an n-bit ring counter state diagram. 16. An unused CMOS NOR input should be tied to logic level or . 17. The function of a DAC is translating the inputs to the same value of analog outputs.
二、Complete the following truth table of taking a vote by A,B,C, when more than two of A,B,C approve a resolution, the resolution is passed; at the same time, the resolution can’t go through if A don’t agree. For A,B,C, assume 1 is indicated approval, 0 is indicated opposition. For the F, assume 1 is passed, 0 is rejected.(5’)
三、The circuit to below realizes a combinational function F
of four variables. Fill in the Karnaugh map of the logic function F realized by the multiplexer-based circuit. (6’)
四、(A) Minimize the logic function expression as follows
F = A·B + AC’ +B’·C+BC’+B’D+BD’+ADE(H+G) (5’)
F = A·B + AC’ +B’·C+BC’+B’D+BD’ = A·(B ’C)’ +B’·C+BC’+B’D+BD’
= A +B’·C+BC’+B’D+BD’+C’D (或= A +B’·C+BC’+B’D+BD’+CD’)
= A +B’·C+BD’+C’D (或= A + BC’+B’D+CD’)
(B) To find the minimum sum of product for F and use NAND-NAND gates to realize it(6’)
F(W,X,Y,Z) Π(1,3,4,6,9,11,12,14)
F= X’Z’+XZ =( X’Z’+XZ)’’=(( X’Z’)’(XZ)’)’
五、Realize the logic function using one chip of 74LS139 and two NAND gates.(8’)
F(A,B,C) (2,6) G(C,D,E) (0,2,3) F(A,B,C)=C’∑(1,3) G(C,D,E)=C’∑(0,2,3)
六、Design a self-correcting modulo-6 counter with D flip-flops. Write out the excitation equations and output equation. Q2Q1Q0 denote the present states, Q2*Q1*Q0* denote the next states, Z denote the output. The state transition/output table is as following.(10’)
激励方程式:D2=Q0’ (2分,错 -1分)
D1=Q2 (2分,错 -1分) D0=Q1 (2分,错 -1分)
修改自启动:D2=Q0 +Q2Q1’ (1分,错 -1分)
D1=Q2+Q1Q0’ (1分,错 -1分) D0=Q1+Q2Q0 (1分,错 -1分)
输出方程式:Z=Q1’Q0 (1分,错 -1分)
七、Construct a minimal state/output table for a moore sequential machine, that will detect the input sequences: x=101. If x=101 is detected, then Z=1.The input sequences DO NOT overlap one another. The states are denoted with S0~S3.(10’) For example:
X: 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 …… Z: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ……
state/output table
得 分
八、Please write out the state/output table and the transition/output table and the excitation/output table of this state machine.(states Q2 Q1=00~11, use the state name A~D)(10’)
九、Clocked Synchronous State Machine Design(15’)
74x163 is a synchronous 4-bit binary counter with synchronous CLEAR input and LOAD
input. LD_L=(QBQC)', CLR_L=(QDQB )' in the following circuit. 1. Finish the logic circuit.
2. Draw the state diagram with all states of “Q3Q2Q1Q0” . (“Q3Q2Q1Q0” is the output of
3. Write the sequence of Y. Y is the output of 74x151. (Assumed state of 74x163 start in Q3Q2Q1Q0=0000.)
(1) Finish the logic circuit. LD_L=(QBQC)', CLR_L=(QDQB )' (2) Q3Q2Q1Q0:
0000—0001—0010—0011—0100—0101—0110—1100—1101—1110—0000 (3) Y=0100111111