活动五 Listen and number 教学参考时间:3-4分钟
教师呈现Let’s try部分的四幅图:How do they feel? 请学生用一个词描述他们的心情:sad, tired, happy, bored。
再次播放录音,学生跟读,教师略作讲解。 Let’s play (趣味操练) 活动六 Pair work 教学参考时间:4分钟
教师做出很开心的表情问学生:Look at me! How do I feel? 学生说:You look happy.教师马上说:Yes, because you did a good job. 教师再做出不开心的表情问学生:Look at me now. How do I feel? 学生回答:You are sad. 教师说:Yes, because I have a toothache. 并提示学生说:I am sorry to hear that.
请学生做出各种表情让大家猜:Look at me, how do I feel? 有人回答后教师启发学生说一说产生这种心情的原因“Because .”。 学生分组互问互答,教师巡视指导。 活动七 Let’s check 教学参考时间:4分钟
呈现Let’s check部分—1:Sarah is not happy, she is sick. Read the sentences and there are two things Sarah should not do. Find them, please. 学生阅读句子选择答案。 朗读句子共同核对答案:Go swimming. Read many books.
呈现Let’s check部分—2:How does Amy feel? 学生阅读后回答:She is sad. T:Why?
S:Her dog Spot has run away
T:How can you make her feel better? Read the sentences and find the answer. 学生阅读选择答案。
(4) 朗读句子共同核对答案:Help Amy to look for Spot. Telephone your friends and ask them to help look for Spot.
Consolidation and extension 巩固与扩展 活动八 Exercises
教学参考时间:5-6分钟 完成活动手册P13—3
播放录音材料,学生听短文,了解大概意思; 阅读句子,理解意思;
再次播放录音,学生判断句子。 全班核对答案。
(2) 完成活动手册P13—4
学生独立完成,教师巡视指导。 活动九 Summary
呈现Let’s talk部分对话,学生齐读。 提供以下语言材料,学生读一读,连线。