新编大学英语BOOK4 key sentence
17. he winked at me他对我眨了眨眼
18. I sensed that the students were growing frustrated with themselves and edgy with
one another 我感觉到学生们开始泄气了,而且彼此之间变得急躁易怒
19. There was a slight lull in the conversation谈话中有点儿冷场
Unit 3
1. gender identity 性别特征
2. The culture provides different images and adult models for boys and girls. 文化为男孩和女孩提供了不同的形象和成年人榜样。
3. There is a culture bias in education that favors boys over girls.
4. From nursery school to postgraduate courses, teachers call on males in class
far more than on female students.
5. develop more positive attitude 形成更积极的态度
6. open their doors to … 向…… 敞开大门
7. Teachers assign boys and girls different tasks in accordance with stereotyped
gender roles.
8. Girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind
from then on.
9. even when they are in a minority 即使他们是少数
10. tease sb. 取笑某人
11. receive praise for sloppy work 因作业马虎而受表扬
12. disrupt lessons 扰乱课堂
13. go too far 过分
14. their rightful share 他们应得的那一份
15. a fair deal 公平的待遇,公平交易
16. complain to a higher authority 向上级主管投诉
17. be treated with some contempt 被嗤之以鼻
18. be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位
19. 生来富有同情心be predominantly hard-wired for empathy
20. 支配系统功能govern the behavior of a system
21. 构建系统construct systems
22. 得到更多机会get more of their fair share
23. 把某人挤到一边shoulder sb. out of the way
24. 从蹒跚学步起from toddlerhood onwards
25. 稍稍思考一下a moment’s reflection
Unit 4
1. Creativity is a key to a bright future. 具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。
2. thinking and developing new ideas 动脑筋搞创新