诗中有画,画中有诗。-There is poetry in the paintings, and there are paintings in the poetry. 人无千日好,花无百日红。-Man cannot be always fortunate; flowers do not last forever. 满招损,谦受益。-Haughtiness invites losses while modesty brings profits.
年饭-family reunion meal on the eve of the Spring Festival
扑克牌打烂了。-The playing cards are already in shred.
他的衣服穿烂了。-His clothes are worn-out.
走一步看一步。-Take one step and look around before taking another.
中国留学服务中心-Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange
汉语茶话会-Chinese-Speaking party
真好玩儿!-What fun!
你是怎么溜出来的?简直易如反掌。-How did you get escaped? Well, it’s a piece of cake. 接电话-answer the telephone
芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞。-Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin. 红眼-pink eye/to be green-eyed
人与自然-People and Nature
中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)-All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF)
主任医师-professor of medicine
《妇女权益保护法》-Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women
“钻石”牌手表- “Diamond” Brand Wrist Watches
在农村,特别是比较偏僻落后的农村,还残存着少数包办买卖婚姻的陋习。-In China’s more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of forced marriages… 随笔栏-gossip column
领导班子年轻化、知识化、专业化-a younger, better-educated and more professional leadership 团结奋斗,开拓进取-to work hard with a united and pioneering spirit
“增产”牌洗衣皂- “Zengchan” Brand Washing Soap
《唐明皇》-Emperor Tang Ming Huang
沉默啊!沉默啊!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。-Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence.
寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴。 -I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer…On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.
拿锄头刨黄莲—挖苦。—To dig Cotis with a hoe—dig.
蜜蜂是在酿蜜,又是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿造最甜蜜的生活。—Making honey is also creating life, a most sweet life, not for themselves but for others.
作品的生命力,大约和作家的胆识大有关系;短命,常常是由于短见。—The vitality of a work is probably closely related to the courage and insight of its author; its short-livedness is often due to its author’s short-sightedness.
正如民间所说:“宁要浦西一张床,不要浦东一间房”。——A famous phrase in Shanghai for a time is, “I’d rather own a bed on the western bank than an apartment on the eastern bank.”
水底捞月-to fish in the air;
鄙人当尽力而为-Yours truly will do his best.