The Design and Implementation of Three-phase Sinusoidal Signal
Generator Based on DDS Technology
The design is based on EDA technology and development platform in the Quartus II with the use of top-down design method, the main chip is EP2C5T144C8. Embedded in the FPGA with 8051 soft-core for the control of the core, the design is completed the Three-phase Sinusoidal Signal Generator Based on DDS Technology. This article discusses in detail various aspects of hardware and software implementations, such as the creation of sinusoidal signal generator and FM signal, the precision control of frequency, the dual phase-shifted output, the circuit of D / A conversion and fourth-order Butterworth low-pass filter, the converter of current-voltage, 4 * 4 keyboard and lcd12864 displays and so on. The embedded 8051 microcontroller soft-core is responsible for interface display, keyboard scanning, and the serial output of the frequency control word and phase control word.
The system can output three-phase sine-wave and FM signal wave. The modulation frequency can be arbitrarily preset in 100Hz ~ 1kHz, The sine wave frequency can be arbitrarily preset in 1Hz ~ 30KHz, The phase difference between any two phases can be arbitrarily preset in 0 ~ 359 °. According to the different input frequency, there are 1Hz、10Hz and 100Hz step value, and the phase step value is 1 °. The comprehensive test shows that the accuracy of the frequency is 0.01%, the accuracy of phase moving is 1 degree, and the Vopp in the 10kΩ load resistor is ≥ 10V.
KEY WORD:Low-frequency and three-phase;FPGA;DDS;8051 microcontroller Soft-core;Phase moving