producer's myopia 生产者的短视行为 (174)reap immediate profits 立刻获得利润 (175)lay stress on experience 强调工作经验 (176)employee attrition rate 人才流动率 (177)in times of ups and downs 在起伏波动的时候 (178)wrapped by an aura of trustable titles 被各类头衔所包围 (179)accumulate a system of expertise 积累了系统的知识 (180)fake
specialists 冒牌专家 (181)give a fair shake 给予公平待遇 (182)under authorization of 在....地授权之下 (183)have intentions of evading taxes 有意逃税 (184)tax
deductible 可免税的 (185)it is advisable to do....使明智的 (186)from the perspective of 从...方面来看 (187)arts and crafts 工艺 (188)a time-honored brand 一个历史悠久的品牌 (189)extend the market share 扩大市场份额 (190)take the shine off 黯然失色(191)pay one's way 勉强维持 (192)non-material cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产 (193)the intangible assets 无形资产 (194)on the move of an unprecedented speed 以前所未有的速度在前进 (195)painstaking efforts 辛苦的努力 (196)by unscrupulous means 不择手段 (197)stand the test of time 经受得住时间的考验(198)binary opposition 二元对立 (199)unshirkable responsiblity 不可推卸的责任 (200)rectify and regulate 整顿和规范 (201)down-to-earth 务实的 (202)act of omission 不作为 (203)teem with 充满 (204)surrender