BS EN 16139:2013EN 16139:2013 (E)
b) by applying a load on the seat surface via the front corner; c) by leaning sideways on an item of seating with or without arm rests;by leaning sideways on a with or without arm rests; d) by leaning against the back rest; e) by sitting on the front edge of the seat; f)
by loading the foot rest.
4.3.2 Swivelling chairs
Requirements a) to e) are considered to be met if the seating complies with the relevant requirements of EN 1335-2.
Requirements a) to f) are considered to be met if the seating complies with EN 1022. The requirement f) is considered to be met if the seating complies with EN 1022:2005, Non swivelling chairs
Requirements a) to f) are considered to be met if the seating complies with EN 1022:2005.The seating shall fulfil the relevant requirements of EN 1022.
4.4 Rolling resistance of the unloaded chair
This subclause is only applicable to single seating units fitted with castors or wheels. The unloaded seating shall not roll unintentionally. This requirement is met when:
the rolling resistance is ≥ 12 N when tested in accordance with EN 1335-3:2009, 7.4; and all castors are of the same type.
4.5 Safety of the construction
The following tests described in Clause 6, Table 1 are considered to be relevant to safety: Test No.: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Seating is considered to satisfy the safety requirements if, on completion of the relevant tests, the chair satisfies all requirements of Clause 5.
5 Safety, strength and durability requirements
The chair shall be constructed to ensure that it does not create a risk of injury to the user of the chair under the following conditions:
sitting on the seat, both centrally and off-centre;
moving forward, backwards, and sideways while sitting in the chair; leaning over the arm rests;
pressing down on the arm rests while getting up from the chair.