3.1.1 Actuator: Linear drive LinMot® P System Overview
LinMot® Ps are electromagnetic direct linear drives with integrated position sensingand bearing. LinMot® P linear motors are intrinsically free of mechanical play, gearingor belt wear. The enormous dynamic properties and compact construction of LinMot®P
make a variety of applications and novel constructions possible.
Figure 3-2: Electromagnetic direct linear motor LinMot® P
3.1.2 Actuator: stepper motor LinMot® Step
LinMot® Step allows the open-loop operation of commercially available two-phasestepper motors with LinMot® E electronic units.
3.1.3 Actuator: electromagnet LinMot® Magnet
LinMot® Magnet allows the intelligent control of electromagnets as used in short-stroke positioning elements or valves. Compared to the conventional voltage controlledoperation of electromagnets, the pull-in and release times of such elements can begreatly reduced with the use of LinMot® Magnet, by driving them over-excited duringthe transient.
3.2 LinMot® P: a new construction element
Most commercially available servo drive systems only dispose of rotating motors,where the speed and in some cases the angular position are controlled. However, manyapplications don’t only need rotational movements, but linear movements too. Theconventional solution is to realize mechanical constructions based on levers, cam disks,spindles, belts etc. In which the rotational movement of the servo motor is translated ina linear movement. This way the servo drive serves basically as a ‘controlled energysource’.® In this sense the LinMot P linear drives are more than just ‘controlled energy® sources’: LinMot P executes dynamic controlled and position controlled linearmovements directly, with no need for additional mechanical gearing elements.® LinMot P fulfills the mechatronic basic idea according to which the movementfunctions are executed directly, with minimal mechanical elements and right in the