To build DEF_SIM_P4.exe follows these steps:
(1) Double click DEF_SIM_P4_USR.gui ( DEF_SIM_P4_USR_Absoft70.gui if you are usingAbsoft 7.0), Absoft Pro Fortran compiler will open automatically.
(2) Click on Build or in the menu bar click on Tools->Build to build DEF_SIM_P4.exe.
(3) Copy DEF_SIM_P4.exe to the DEFORM3D/V5_0 directory (do not forget to make a backupcopy of the originalDEF_SIM_P4.exe).
对于DEFORM 3D 5.0
4.双击Compile_DEF_SIM_USR.bat,完成编译,将DEF_SIM.exe和 DEF_SIM_P4.exe拷贝到DEFORM3D/V5_0目录下.
对于DEFORM 3D 6.1
Batch building:
If you can find build_all_def_sim_usr.bat in the current directory, you can compile the user routineby simply click on that batch file, and copy the DEF_SIM.exe and DEF_SIM_P4.exe andDEF_SIM_P4P.exe to the folder where DEFORM3D installed. If you have Absoft7.0 instead ofAbsoft9.0, you should clickbuild_all_def_sim_usr_absoft70.bat. If you have Absoft7.5 instead ofAbsoft9.0, you should clickbuild_all_def_sim_usr_absoft75.bat.
Interactive building:
(1) Double click DEF_SIM_USR.gui, Absoft Pro Fortran compiler will open automatically.
(2) Click on Build or in the menu bar click on Tools->Build to build DEF_SIM.exe.
(3) Copy DEF_SIM.exe to the folder where DEFORM3D installed (do not forget to make a backupcopy of the originalDEF_SIM.exe).
To build DEF_SIM_P4.exe follows these steps:
(1) Doubleclick DEF_SIM_P4_USR.gui, Absoft Pro Fortran compiler will open automatically.
(2) Click on Build or in the menu bar click on Tools->Build to build DEF_SIM_P4.exe.
(3) Copy DEF_SIM_P4.exe to the folder where DEFORM3D installed (do not forget to make a