backup copy of the originalDEF_SIM_P4.exe).
To build DEF_SIM_P4P.exe follows these steps:
(1) Double click DEF_SIM_P4P_USR.gui, Absoft Pro Fortran compiler will open automatically.
(2) Click on Build or in the menu bar click on Tools->Build to buildDEF_SIM_P4P.exe.
(3) Copy DEF_SIM_P4P.exe to the folder where DEFORM3D installed (do not forget to make abackup copy of the originalDEF_SIM_P4P.exe)
3.双击build_def_sim_usr_absoft70.bat和build_def_sim_p4p_usr_absoft70.bat完成编译,将DEF_SIM.exe和 DEF_SIM_P4.exe拷贝到DEFORM3D/V6_1目录下.
In the Pre-processor, go to Advanced--> Element Data for the deforming object and go to the Usertab.Here, you should define the element variables that you are interested in.These variables willthen be listed in the Post-processor in the "FEM user elem" section of the State Variable menu.
The variables in the NODCOM3 common block are at the nodal level.These values only exist ifnodal values are output from the simulation.To do this, go to Simulation Controls--> Advanced-->Output Control and set all three variables to "Element + Node" output.
After doing this, EFEPS_NN, TEPS_NN, DAMG_NN, IELMNOD(1), IELMNOD(2)andIELMNOD(3) all have values (IELMNOD(1), IELMNOD(2)and IELMNOD(3) are all set to thepositive number 2 since "Element + Node" output was selected).The stress components STS_NN(6)were still zero, however.This is because these nodal stress components only get calculated when theworkpiece is Elasto-Plastic (EP).Once I made my workpiece EP, these stress components werenonzero.
If you can find Compile_DEF_PST_USR.bat in current directory, user routine post processor can be