2、Thomas Paine 托马斯·佩因 1737-1809 "Great Common of Mankind" 最平凡的人
1)famous pamphlet "Common Sense" 著名的政治小册子《常识》 it boldly advocated a "Declaration for Independence", and
brought the separatist agitation to a crisis. 拥护独立宣言,是分裂活动发展成最后危机。
2)"American Crisis" 《美国危机》,signed "Common Sense" (p31,第一段)
The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:
Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代
3、Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰弗逊
1)drafted the Declaration of Independence. 起草了独立宣言
2)与清教徒不同,主张追求幸福。All Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. 人人生而平等,他们都从―造物主‖那边被赋予了某些不可转让的
4、Philip Freneau 菲利普·费瑞诺 poet and political journalist 诗人和政治方面的新闻记者
1)perhaps the most outstanding writer of the post-revolutionary period.
2)has been called the "Father of American Poetry" 美国诗歌之父
The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美
国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地
1、 dominated the Puritan phase of American writing. Politics was the next great suject to command the attention of the best
2、Freneau was 美国文学史复习3(Romanicism)
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1)shaped by their New World environment 美洲大陆新环境
2)array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditons of Europe 欧洲早期浪漫主义思潮
pluralistic多元化 manifestations varied 表现形式多样 Individualistic个人主义 conflicting 矛盾
3、Romanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics, moral enthusiam, faith in the value of individualism and
intuitive perception, and a presumption that he natural world was a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大多是相通的,都注重道德,
4、Transcendentalism 超验主义
1)as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression
over the restraints of law and custom.不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。
2)they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。
3)they believe in the transcendence of "over soul", an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all
things are a part. 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。
4)it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. ―Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence
and you’ll become spiritually whole again.‖ The natural implication of all this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become
symbolic, and the physical world was a symbol of the spiritual. This in turn added to the tradition of literary symbolism in American
5)代表人物:Emerson爱默生,believed that man was a part of absolute good。人性本善
Thoreau 梭 罗,beheld divinity in the ―unspotted innocence‖ of nature. 自然才是神圣的―洁白无瑕‖
5、Literary forms文学形式:Novels, short stories, and poems replaced sermons and manifestos as America’s principal literary forms.
6、Imaginative literature想象类文学
9、frequency. 受民族主义影响,作家的目光转向了美国本土的语言,具有美国特征的本土方言开始在诗歌和小说中大量涌现。
10、At mid-century a cultural reawakening brought a ―au. New
England → Transcendentalism, 从新英格兰文学到超验主义。
1、Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文 the first great belletrist 第一个纯文学作家,划线部分为三个主要contribution
① the first great prose stylist of American romanticism. 美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家