Article 12 Industrial Property Rights
agent may use the trade mark of seller during the effective period of this agreement only in aonnection with the sale of products, provided that even after the termination of this agreement agent may use the trade marketin connection with the sale of products held by it in stock at the time of
termination .agent shall also acknowledge that any and all paterns , trade markets,copyright and other industrial property rights used or embodied in products shall remain to be sole properties of seller and shall not dispute them in any way. if an y infringement being found, agent shall promptly notify sller and assist seller to take steps to protect its right.
第十三条 协议有效期
本协议经双方签字生效。在本协议终止前至少3个月,卖方或代理商应共同协商协议的延续。如双方一致同意延续,本协议应在上述各项条款(以及相关修改,若有的话)的基础上,继续有效 XX年。否则,本协议将于X年X月X日终止。Article 13 Duration
this agreement shall enter into force on the signing of both parties. at least three months before the expiration of the agreement, both seller and agent shall consult each other for renewal of this agreement .if the renewal of this agreement is agreed upon by both parties , this agreement shall be renewed for another XX year(s) period under the terms and conditions herein set forth, with a mendments , if agreed upon by both parties.unless this agreement shall expire on XX.
第十四条 协议的中止