劳务 服务协议(中英对照版)
5.2Party A is entitled to terminate the Contract whenever based on the business needs and performance of Party B. Party A burdens no responsibility to pay any financial compensation to Party B.
5.3Both Parties shall implement handover procedures after rescission or termination of the Contract.
Clause 6: Responsibility of Default
6.1乙方未按照甲方要求提供相应服务的,应按照服务费金额的[ ]当向甲方支付违约金。
6.1In case that Party B provides services out of accordance with the requirements of Party A, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A at the rate of [ ] of the service remuneration.
6.2甲方不按照本合同约定日期向乙方支付服务费的,每拖欠一日按照拖欠金额的[ ]向乙方支付违约金。
6.2 In case that Party A pays service remuneration out of accordance with the date agreed in the Contract, Party A shall pay liquidated damages to Party B at the rate of [ ]of arrears per late day.
6.3In case that Party B causes damages to Party A because of intention or negligence in services, Party B shall compensate according to the damages.