Qualifications for being a senator:参议员当选条件
over 30 years old;
a US citizen for at least 9 years;公民做满九年
resident in the state from which he is elected.在所在州当选
Qualifications for being a representative:参议员代表当选条件
at least 25 years old;
a US citizen for no less than 7 years; 公民做七年
serve for a term of two years.任职两年
donkey representing the Democratic Party and an elephant representing the Republican Party 民主党——驴 共和党——象
The Democratic Party—liberal;Leading party before the civil war民主党:南北战争时期 The Republican Party —conservative;Abraham Lincoln: the first president from the Republican Party 共和党-保守党;亚伯拉罕-林肯:共和党第一任总统
Foreign policy Neutrality Containment and Intervention外交政策中立性遏制与干预 Nixon administration s historic step—closer ties with Communist countries:尼克松政府与共产党的历史性一步
New relationship with China—the most dramatic move;
Nixon— first US President to visit Beijing;中国最具戏剧性的关系--尼克松--首位美国总统访问北京; Chapter 11 Economy
History of American economy
Colonial economy-------farming economy-------industrial economy