Tables and figures should not be wider than the text. In exceptional cases oversized tables or charts may be folded in from the right provided that the same margin is maintained as on a normal text page. All the tables must be numbered sequentially in the order they occur in the manuscript and the figures are numbered as a separate sequence. Each of the tables and figures must have a title. The title should be short but explicit and self-explanatory. It should contain major information about the table or the figure.
3 Postscriptural Matter
3.1 References
All references cited in the text must be listed in a “References” section that follows the text but precedes the appendices. The references must be arranged alphabetically by their authors surnames and should not be numbered. They should contain the information in the order prescribed by the style manual (See Table 2.1). The reference list begins a new page.
Sample References
3.2 Appendices
Appendix pages continue the pagination of the thesis as a whole. The letter designation, full title, and page number of each appendix should appear in the Table of Contents.