英语 模联
‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the second round. The Draft Resolution needs a 2/3 majority to pass. We’ll vote on Draft Resolution
1.2 first .
Moderator: With __ for, __ against and __abstain, Draft Resolution 1.2 passes and there’s no need to vote on other Draft Resolutions.
主席:__票赞同,__票反对,__票弃权。决议草案1.2 获得通过,其他决议草案将不会得到表决。
14.Suspension of the Meeting 延迟会议
Moderator: As the time for this session almost elapses ,are there any points or motions on the floor?Guatemala.
主席:由于本场会议时间已到,请问场下有无问题或动议?危地马拉。 Guatemala: Guatemala motion for the suspension of the meeting. 危地马拉代表:危地马拉动议延迟会议。
Moderator: This motion is in order 。Those who are in favor,please raise your placard。Those against ?Obviously this motion passes 。Please pay attention that our next session will begin at 9 a.m tomorrow.