Other transfer-ins 108,448,416.31108,448,416.31
VI. Profit available for
-11,132,642.8463,535,824.71-50,019,917.7621,196,588.87 distribution
Less: appropriating statutory
surplus reserve
Appropriating statutory public
welfare reserve
Appropriating bonus and welfare
Appropriating reserve fund
Appropriating enterprise
development fund
Profits capitalized on return of
VII. Profit available for
-11,132,642.8463,535,824.71-50,019,917.7621,196,588.87 distribution to shareholders
Less: Dividend for preferred
shares payable
Appropriating discretionary
Dividend for ordinary shares
Dividend for ordinary shares
converted to share capital
VIII. Retained earnings -11,132,642.8463,535,824.71-50,019,917.7621,196,588.87
Supplemental information
1. Profit from selling or
disposing branch or investee
2. Losses from natural disaster
3. Increase (or decrease) in total
profit due to the changes of
accounting policies
4. Increase (or decrease) in total
profit due to the changes of
accounting estimation
5. Loss on debts restructure
6. Others
Legal representative: Li Shisheng Person in charge of accounting organ: Bian Yanglin Person in charge of accounting work: Ma Yuxiang
7.3 Note to Financial statement
7.3.1 Should there be any changes in accounting policies or accounting estimation or accounting errors correction, give the relevant content, reasons and amounts influenced.
□Applicable √Inapplicable