Abstract It has long been known that there are potentials on n-dimensional constant curvature spaces for which a given Hamiltonian system in classical mechanics, and Schrodinger equation in quantum mechanics, admits solutions via separation of variables in
Then one can verify that Lk; H]= 0; Lk; Lj]= 0: How does one nd all orthogonal separable coordinate systems q for a given space Rn for zero potential, V 0? This is a di cult problem in di erential geometry. The answer is known for some constant curvature spaces. In real Euclidean 2-space there are four separable systems: cartesian, polar, parabolic and elliptic. For complex Euclidean 2-space, including real Euclidean space and real Minkowski space, there are six 4, 16, 18]: Cartesian, polar, parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic and semi-hyperbolic. We describe these coordinate systems and their corresponding free particle constants of the motion L. (We adopt the basis px; py; M= xpy? ypx for the Lie algebra e(2; C ) and de ne p= px ipy,^.) There is one orbit of constants of the motion, with representative Mp, that is not associated with variable separation 21]. The separable systems are:+
n k=1
( )
(qi ):
Cartesian coordinates
Polar Coordinates
x; y;
L= px2
Parabolic Coordinates. 1 xP= 2 (? ); yP=; L= Mpy Elliptic Coordinates (in algebraic form) xE= c (u? 1)(v? 1); yE=?c uv;2 2 2 2 2 2
x= r cos; y= r sin;
(15) (16) (17)
Hyperbolic Coordinates2 2
L= M+ c px2 2 2 2 2
s s xH= r+ r rs+ s; yH= i r? r rs+ s; 2 2 L= M+p2 2 2 2 2 2+